A 53-year-old woman came to our office complaining of symptoms related to her recently diagnosed Hashimoto’s, which is an autoimmune hypothyroid disease. Her symptoms included severe constipation, insomnia, fatigue, foggy thinking, poor concentration, severe anxiety, and depression. This Hashimoto’s acupuncture case study will describe how acupuncture resolved most of her symptoms.
Our patient had been diagnosed with Hashimoto’s six months earlier. A full thyroid panel revealed that she had low T3 and thyroid antibodies. T3 is the thyroid hormone in the body that is “usable” by the body. Earlier thyroid blood work from her primary care physician had not prompted medical action because her T4 and TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) levels were in the normal range. But she insisted on getting a referral to an endocrinologist, who ran the full panel. And it’s a good thing she did.
Her endocrinologist prescribed NP thyroid medicine (natural porcine thyroid hormone), which is gluten-free. This helped raise her T3 levels. Unfortunately, most of her debilitating symptoms (listed above) remained. That’s why she was seeking alternative treatment.
Her Chinese Medicine Diagnosis
On her first visit to our office, we conducted a full intake exam. This included asking about her bodily functions (sleep, energy, mood, bowels, etc), feeling her pulse and looking at her tongue. From this information, we diagnosed her with the Chinese medicine patterns Spleen Qi & Heart Blood Deficiency, and Liver Qi Stagnation.
This diagnosis guided our treatment plan, which included strengthening her Spleen Qi, building her Heart blood and smoothing her Liver Qi. Smoothing is a word used in Chinese medicine that is similar to circulating. Her first treatment included the following acupuncture points: ST36, SP6, PC6, LV3, CV12, CV6, GV20 and Si shen cong. In addition, we prescribed a Chinese herbal formula based on Gui Pi Tang to nourish her Heart blood and strengthen her Spleen Qi.
Steady Hypothyroid Improvement
After six treatments our patient in this Hashimoto’s acupuncture case study was feeling much better. Her sleep was improved. She was able to fall asleep much easier, within 30 minutes. This led to improved energy and less fatigue. Her mind started working better as well. She had better concentration. Finally, her emotions stabilized, with less anxiety and less depression. All of these symptoms improved by 40% at this time.
We continued treating her another six times, once a week. After a total of 12 treatments, her symptoms were 80% better. She felt more like her old self. And the best news was that on her next visit to the endocrinologist they took her off the NP thyroid medicine. Her numbers had stabilized and they felt she would be fine without medication. They did want to check up on her in six months, and happily, her numbers continued to be in the normal range.
Her Hashimoto’s antibodies were still present, but they were not causing negative symptoms. She would have to continue watching them on an ongoing basis. However, research has shown that acupuncture slows the progression of many autoimmune diseases, including Hashimoto’s. This was very encouraging for our patient.
Next Steps
If you have been diagnosed with Hashimoto’s disease and are struggling with symptoms like the ones described in this Hashimoto’s acupuncture case study, come in for acupuncture. The treatments are safe, relaxing and provide long-lasting relief.
BOOK NOW to schedule an appointment online.
Hashimoto’s Acupuncture Case Study
At Raleigh Acupuncture we have been successfully treating Hashimoto’s disease for over 15 years. Chinese medicine identifies internal imbalances which, once corrected, reduce symptoms and dramatically improve quality of life. This Hashimoto’s acupuncture case study is a typical example of the kind of results we see.

What our Clients are Saying
Last year I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism. My symptoms were severe foggy brain, poor concentration and unexplained weight gain. I was put on hormones, which helped a bit, but still could not shake these problems. Research led me to Raleigh Acupuncture. Jade was amazing. Her treatments totally made my brain work again. And the weight is coming off. Jade is kind and patient. She understands what I’m going through. I highly recommend Jade and Raleigh Acupuncture.
I went to Raleigh Acupuncture for low thyroid. I was tired all the time and depressed. The treatments helped alot. I go monthly now and feel normal again. I recommend Raleigh Acupuncture for treating low thyroid.