Do you suffer from depression? Is it triggered by a difficult situation in your life? Or is it more chronic and long-term? Does it come and go with no particular pattern? Is it worse in winter when the days are shorter? No matter what your situation, the Raleigh Acupuncture depression treatment can help.
Raleigh Acupuncture Depression Treatment
Watch this video to learn about our treatment.
Root Cause of Depression
When you come to acupuncture for depression, the first thing we do is identify the root cause. Acupuncturists treat mental health issues based on the fundamental belief that emotional problems are rooted in organ imbalance. So whether the condition is depression, anxiety, excess worry, fear, or stress, acupuncture relieves the illness by identifying and restoring proper balance to the affected organs.
This approach is radically different from modern psychology, which focuses exclusively on emotions. On the other hand, Chinese medicine believes mental health issues begin with physical imbalances that later manifest as emotional problems.
Acupuncture Eases Depression
A typical Chinese medicine pattern diagnosis for depression is Liver Qi Stagnation. Irritability, frequently waking during the night, a wiry pulse, and a tongue with rough edges accompany feeling stuck, hopeless, and unmotivated.
Another common pattern for depression is Heart/Spleen Qi and Blood Deficiency. Feelings of depression accompany fatigue, frequent crying, a pale tongue with scallop markings, and a thin, weak pulse.
In total, there are eight to ten different pattern imbalances that cause depression, and the acupuncturist must correctly identify the patient’s root cause for the treatment to be successful. Proper identification involves asking questions during the intake exam, looking at the tongue, and feeling the pulse.
Acupuncture Treatment for Depression
The acupuncture treatment will be different depending on the pattern diagnosis. For Liver Qi Stagnation, the practitioner will select acupoints like LV3 and LI4, which smooth the liver and circulate qi. A
Chinese herbal formula like Xiao Yao Wan will also help restore balance and relieve depression with this pattern.
Alternatively, depression rooted in Heart/Spleen Qi and Blood Deficiency require acupoints like SP6, ST36, HT7, and PC6 to restore balance. Chinese herbal formula Gui Pi Wan will be beneficial for this pattern.
As you can see, treatment for depression is always customized based on the patient’s presentation on both the physical and emotional levels. This comprehensive and personalized treatment approach delivers excellent outcomes reducing depression.
What To Expect
You will lie down on a comfortable table during your treatment. Your practitioner will insert sterile, single-use, hair-thin needles in the body to address the imbalance causing your depression.
Treatments are relaxing – you may even fall asleep during your sessions. Many of our patients say that the Raleigh Acupuncture depression treatment is even more relaxing than a massage.
How Soon To Feel Better?
You will start feeling the difference in your emotions after the first few sessions. Treatment plans differ based on the individual’s needs and condition. Mild cases resolve faster than moderate or severe ones. All levels of depression respond well to acupuncture. If appropriate, we will suggest Chinese herbs. We have a Chinese herbal pharmacy in our clinic.
Next Steps
If you suffer from depression, try acupuncture.
BOOK NOW to schedule an appointment online.
We treat a number of other emotional conditions including ANXIETY and STRESS.
Learn about all the conditions we treat.
Research and Case Studies
First Depression Acupuncture Research Study.
Second Depression Acupuncture Research Study.
Depression and Insomnia Research Study.
First Depression Acupuncture Case Study.
Second Depression Acupuncture Case Study.
Watch Video About Our Depression Treatment.
What our Clients are Saying
I was feeling depressed and stressed because I didn’t like my job and didn’t know what to do with my life. I started taking Lexipro but it really affected my libido so I stopped taking it. I tried acupuncture because my husband said it helped him when he was depressed years earlier (before he met me!) I went to Raleigh Acupuncture and started treatments. They were really knowledgeable about Chinese medicine and explained how the body gets stuck in depression, and how the acupuncture gets the body unstuck. They really listened to me and helped me figure stuff out. I started feeling less depressed. Then I actually started getting more clear about what I wanted to do with my life career-wise. I decided to go back to school and now I’m almost done with my degree. I haven’t felt depressed at all since I was treated and I’m really excited about my life. I’m very grateful to them for being such great healers and such a great support to me when I really needed it.
I had very severe depression after my son was born. The doctors put me on medication, which helped, but I still had no motivation and felt very sad. I tried acupuncture and it really improved my mood. I would say that within four weeks of starting treatment I was no longer depressed. My motivation returned, I was able to get out of bed in the morning ready to go, and I started enjoying my son for the first time. I think the combination of medications and acupuncture worked great for me. I appreciate the caring and skill at Raleigh Acupuncture and recommend them highly for treating depression.