The Raleigh Acupuncture vertigo treatment resolves vertigo and dizziness. It is natural, safe and provides long-lasting relief.
Raleigh Acupuncture Vertigo Treatment
Watch video on our vertigo treatment.
What Is Vertigo?
Do you suffer from vertigo (a.k.a. BPPV)? The main symptom is severe dizziness, feeling like the room is spinning. It is often accompanied by nausea, headache and fatigue.
Acupuncture Relieves Vertigo
In Chinese medicine, imbalances in the head, particularly the ears, cause vertigo. Specifically, when phlegm-heat accumulates internally in the head, it disorients our vestibular system, causing the sensations of spinning and dizziness. Acupuncture corrects this imbalance, transforming phlegm and expelling heat, healing vertigo at the root.
The vestibular system is a sensory system that provides our sense of balance and spatial orientation to help us coordinate movement and balance. Together with the cochlea, a part of the auditory system, it constitutes the inner ear. Our internal balance system is disturbed when phlegm-heat accumulates in this area.
Acupuncture Heals at the Root Level
Acupuncture relieves vertigo on two levels:
First, acupuncture resolves the phlegm-heat responsible for the symptoms associated with vertigo. Specific acupuncture points expel phlegm and heat from the body.
Second, treatments strengthen the Spleen Qi, preventing the development of phlegm in the first place. Think of the Spleen as the water metabolism manager for the body. A weak Spleen leads to dampness accumulation in the body (not good). Excess heat in the body transforms that dampness into phlegm (very bad), which causes all sorts of health issues.
Acupuncture Custom Treatments
Most vertigo cases involve phlegm-heat, but there are exceptions. As part of our treatment, we assess the patient’s symptoms to determine their pattern imbalance. Then we treat them according to their needs.
The concept of individualized treatment in Chinese medicine is essential. This approach differs from Western medicine’s “one treatment” standard, where doctors prescribe one pill for everyone vertigo patient. For example, your doctor will probably prescribe Meclizine if you have vertigo. However, your acupuncturist will customize your treatment, giving you exactly what you need.
In some instances, we prescribe Chinese herbs to promote faster healing. We have a full Chinese herbal pharmacy in our clinic, and our practitioners are nationally board certified in Chinese herbal medicine.
What To Expect
All needles are sterile, single-use, and hair-thin. The acupuncture treatments themselves are relaxing. Many patients fall asleep during the treatment. Afterward, you feel relaxed and rejuvenated. Your vertigo will significantly improve within three to six sessions.
Recent Vertigo Case
A 41-year-old woman came to our clinic complaining of vertigo. Her main symptoms were nausea, dizziness, and a sensation like the room was spinning. In addition, she had a constant low-grade headache. She had bouts of vertigo in the past and was tired of taking medications that did not help.
Our intake exam confirmed that she had Spleen Qi deficiency with dampness and internal heat, the perfect storm for accumulating phlegm-heat in the head. So our treatment strategy focused on transforming phlegm and clearing heat while simultaneously strengthening her Spleen Qi.
Her treatment included acupuncture points ST36, ST40, SP4, PC6, LI11, GB2, and GV20. We also prescribed the Chinese herbal formula Xiang Sha Liu Jun Zi Pian to transform dampness and strengthen the Spleen. As a result, it took just four treatments to resolve her vertigo, a much better outcome than she had ever experienced with Western medications.
Next Steps
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VIDEO – Raleigh Acupuncture Vertigo Treatment.
Learn about all the conditions we treat.
Acupuncture Research and Case Studies
First Vertigo Acupuncture Research Study.
Second Vertigo Acupuncture Research Study.
Vertigo Acupuncture Case Study.
Focus Keyphrase: Raleigh Acupuncture Vertigo Treatment
What our Clients are Saying
I came back from a trip to the Caribbean with a terrible case of vertigo and nausea. I couldn’t sleep, couldn’t work, couldn’t walk straight. I had this throbbing headache all day long. It was driving me crazy. I tried acupuncture and in three sessions was completely cured! I was so impressed that I had them treat my back pain next. I only wish insurance covered the treatments.
I was diagnosed with dizziness and put on a medicine that made me more dizzy! My chiropractor said it was from my neck, but the adjustments didn’t help. So I tried acupuncture. Every time I bent down I would get so dizzy that I fell over. The doctor at Raleigh Acupuncture didn’t treat my neck. He said he was treating my organs to balance them and correct my water levels. I don’t care what he called it – it stopped my dizziness! I can bend over now without dizziness and can function like a normal person. They also got rid of my toe pain at the same time!
I had vertigo and dizziness for years. I run my own small business and it was starting to really affect my work. I had difficulty driving, and was starting to get nervous about getting into an accident at work. My vertigo was like the room spinning around, and the only way to make it stop was to close my eyes and lie down. I was also burning up hot, but never had a fever. My cousin went to Raleigh Acupuncture so I gave it a try. They treated me with little needles and gave me chinese herbs. I’m not kidding, this stuff really works. My vertigo stopped happening for the first time in years, and I even stopped feeling so hot. I get small bouts of vertigo now and then, but usually just a single treatment gets me better. I also understand why I get vertigo and what I can do to prevent it coming on. They were really good explaining how it worked, in a way that totally makes sense to me. Thank you Raleigh Acupuncture.