Acupuncture is one of the best treatments for adult acne. As opposed to mainstream topical lotions, acupuncture works deeper, getting to the root of the problem. Most acne comes from imbalances with heat and dampness (pus). Treating acne with store-bought or prescription topical is fighting the symptoms, not the root. The Raleigh Acupuncture acne treatment resolves the underlying issues, bringing longer-lasting results.
Raleigh Acupuncture Acne Treatment
Watch this video to learn more about our acne treatment.
You don’t have to take our word for it. A systematic review of 43 trials in English and Chinese language studies found that Chinese medicine, including acupuncture, moxibustion, cupping, and Chinese herbs, was a highly effective treatment for acne, with no side effects. Cupping, one of the acne treatment techniques we use, was even found to be significantly better than pharmaceutical medications at curing patients of their breakouts.
How Acupuncture Works
Acupuncture is the insertion of hair-thin, sterile needles into the skin. It is a painless way to signal the brain to make changes inside the body. As part of our treatment, we will often make dietary recommendations and prescribe Chinese herbs in some cases. Treatment plans are always custom-made to the patient and will reflect the needs of each patient.
The Raleigh Acupuncture acne treatment delivers benefits well beyond a patient’s pimples. Regular acne creams suppress the symptoms, failing to address the underlying imbalance in the body responsible for the acne. In addition, they trigger unwanted side effects like irritation and dry skin.
In contrast, acupuncture strengthens digestion, boosts immunity, reduces inflammation, and moves stagnant energy. Acupuncture works to make the whole body healthy and, in the process, reduces acne from the inside out. At the same time, it improves your digestion, sleep, stress levels, and energy.
Next Steps
If you have acne, give acupuncture a try. Acupuncture is also good for treating skin rashes, eczema, painful itching and shingles. We also provide an acupuncture face lift, called facial rejuvenation, which reduces wrinkles and revitalized the face.
Book your appointment online from here: BOOK NOW.
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Watch Video About Our Acne Treatment.
What our Clients are Saying
I developed acne about five years ago, out of the blue. It was never a problem for me as a teenager. Of course, when it started I was horrified. Since then I tried various treatments, some of which helped, most of which were a complete waste of money. But none of them gave lasting relief. My aunt suggested trying acupuncture. Her daughter had used it and her skin totally cleared up. I did research on the web and found Raleigh Acupuncture. They were great. Explained everything beforehand, were reasonably priced, and gave me a lot of attention. I’m happy to report that my acne is completely gone! I don’t exactly know how they did it. Something to do with adjustments in my body to stop the acne from coming out. I’m thrilled. If you have acne, you’ve got to try acupuncture.
Highly recommend this practice. I would break out with very bad acne every month before my period. Face, back and chest. Nothing ever helped. After getting acupuncture I don’t break out any more. Skin is clear and healthy.
I’ve struggled with acne forever and was tired of spending a small fortune on facial products that didn’t work. I read about acupuncture helping with acne and decided to try it. So glad I did. The staff at Raleigh Acupuncture totally got my acne under control, to the point where I don’t need topical creams any more. My face has never been this good. I wish I knew about this 10 years ago!! I highly recommend Raleigh Acupuncture. They are kind, honest and do excellent work. I’ve referred family and friends there and they have been just as pleased.