Acupuncture reduces arthritis and joint pain. Have you been diagnosed with arthritis? Do your joints hurt in the morning or after a long day? Maybe they ache all the time. Do your knees bother you after a run or tennis match? How about your hands – do your finger or knuckle joints ache after doing yard work? Arthritis comes in many shapes and sizes. But no matter how or where it affects you, the Raleigh Acupuncture arthritis treatment can help.
Raleigh Acupuncture Arthritis Treatment
Watch this video to learn more about our treatment.
How Acupuncture Works
Acupuncture is effective in reducing joint and arthritis pain. From the moment you start treatment, you will start feeling the difference. The reason is simple. In Chinese medicine, pain comes from blocked energy in the channels. This energy is called Qi (pronounced Chee). Channels are like roads traversing the body, and Qi is like a car traveling along the route. When Qi flows smoothly through the channels, our body feels good and has no pain.
However, pain follows when the channels are blocked, and Qi cannot flow. And one of the most common places for Qi to stagnate is in the joints. Think of joints as major intersections – places where multiple channels intersect. As with our road system, congestion occurs more frequently at major intersections.
Arthritis, from a modern medicine perspective, is degeneration of the joints. However, from a Chinese medicine perspective, arthritis is Qi stagnation in the channels passing through the joints.
Acupuncture Reduces Arthritis Pain
Acupuncture excels at opening blocked channels. And when it does, pain is reduced or eliminated. Arthritis (joint degeneration) does not go away, but the pain DOES go away. That’s right – having arthritis does not mean you have to hurt. You know this already. You probably have friends who have arthritis without pain. You can achieve this as well with acupuncture.
Some joint pain comes from injury. Acupuncture helps by re-opening the channels and healing the injury. For example, runners will injure their knees. There is no damage requiring surgery, but there is chronic pain and inflamation from the injury. Acupuncture heals the knee injury. The same holds true for injuries to the wrists, elbows, shoulders, hips and ankles.
What To Expect
As with all acupuncture, there are no adverse side effects. Treatments are painless and fast-acting. In addition, acupuncture is so calming that many of our patients fall asleep during their sessions.
Next Steps
If you suffer from joint pain or arthritis, try acupuncture.
BOOK NOW to schedule an appointment online.
Watch Video About Our Arthritis Treatment.
Learn more about the conditions we treat.
Additional Resources
First Arthritis Acupuncture Research Study.
Second Arthritis Acupuncture Research Study.
First Arthritis Acupuncture Case Study.
Second Arthritis Acupuncture Case Study.
What our Clients are Saying
My knees were so bad with arthritis that I couldn’t play golf. My wife did research on the internet and said acupuncture might help. I went in not expecting much. He told me it would take three to six treatments to see if it would work. My case was tougher because I’m overweight. Sure enough, after five treatments the pain started easing. I needed twelve treatments total, but my knees improved so much I’m playing golf again. I go in for what he calls tune-ups every month, but I don’t mind. The acupuncture keeps my knees not hurting. I’ve recommended it to my golf buddies and they’ve had success as well.
I had been getting botox injections for my face over the past five years, and it worked well. But a friend said that acupuncture could get more lasting results in a more natural way. I inquired at Raleigh Acupuncture and was surprised at how affordable it was. They explained that as an added bonus, I would receive acupuncture to help other issues at the same time that they treated my face. So I took the opportunity to deal with some arthritis in my hands and a bad knee. The facial rejuvenation was amazing. It happens over the course of 12 weeks and I literally saw wrinkles disappear! After each treatment I felt so relaxed. I’m hooked on acupuncture now, both for my face and the rest of me. The staff at Raleigh Acupuncture are very professional, friendly and skilled. I felt safe and comfortable during each visit.
All of my joints were hurting. I’ve got fibromyalgia and it effects me by making my joints hurt. The pain would move around from place to place, first the hip, the next day the shoulder, then the knee, etc. The practitioner at Raleigh Acupuncture explained that the best way to treat my kind of moving joint pain was to treat me holistically. Instead of treating the hip one day, the shoulder the next, they treated the root of the pain. They said this type of treatment would also improve my mood and my sleep. Right on all counts. I started feeling better after the second treatment. It’s like all of the joints just settled down and stopped giving me trouble. I had less flares and the intensity of the pain went way down. My sleep is better, not just because I have less pain. I’m more relaxed and less stressed. I’ve made this treatment a regular part of my life. I’m very grateful.
I had terrible pain in my hands from arthritis, especially my thumbs. I could not even open a jar anymore – there was no strength. My neighbor was seeing an acupuncturist at Raleigh Acupuncture, so I made an appointment. They were so sweet. I was apprehensive about the needles, but they told me they would use extra small ones, which I hate to admit, but I couldn’t even see without my glasses. They put needles in my hands, arms and in different places on my legs as well. I believe it made a substantial difference. My hands stopped hurting all the time and my grip strength increased. My thumbs still give me some trouble, but not nearly like before. I’d say I am 80% improved with my arthritis. Now I have all of my friends going to them!