The Raleigh Acupuncture back pain treatment is safe, natural, and effective. It resolves pain fast and delivers long-lasting results. So if you have back pain, come in for acupuncture today.
Raleigh Acupuncture Back Pain Treatment
Watch this video to learn more about our treatment.
Back pain is one of the most common conditions we treat with acupuncture. Our treatment addresses all of the following back pain conditions.
Acute Back Pain and Acupuncture
Acute back pain responds well to acupuncture. Activities that trigger this type of pain include moving an oversized couch, lifting the refrigerator, or forgetting to lift with your legs. Typically one of the muscles in the low back spasms, causing you to double over, walk like you’re ninety years old, and stay home from work for a few days. Acupuncture speeds up the healing process, eases the pain immediately, and helps prevent a flare-up in the future.
Chronic Back Pain and Acupuncture
Chronic back pain is the type of pain you’ve had for more than six months. You often wake up very sore and stiff, with the pain easing slightly with a hot shower and movement (walking). Chronic back pain can be a mild, nagging discomfort (2 out of 10 on a pain scale) and severe (9 out of 10 on a pain scale). Causes can be from nerve impingement, spinal misalignment, chronic muscles spasms, or poor blood circulation, to name a few.
In most cases, acupuncture can resolve this pain by addressing the root issue responsible for the chronic condition. And very often, as treatment proceeds, the patient will feel the pain begin to “unwind” layer by layer until the pain is gone.
What To Expect
We resolve back pain in the low, mid and upper back, neck and shoulders on the back of the body, and along the sides of the back. We also successfully treat back pain from tightness in the muscles between the ribs (intercostals), which gets worse when you take deep breaths. As always, treatments are relaxing and painless. Patients often fall asleep during treatment. You don’t have to live with back pain.
Next Steps
BOOK NOW to schedule an appointment online.
Watch Video About Our Back Pain Treatment.
Learn about all the conditions we treat.
Additional Resources
For more information about the Raleigh Acupuncture back pain treatment, check out these research and case studies.
First Back Pain Acupuncture Research Study.
Second Back Pain Acupuncture Research Study.
First Back Pain Acupuncture Case Study.
Second Back Pain Acupuncture Case Study.
What our Clients are Saying
I came to Raleigh Acupuncture. After 1 treatment, my back felt better than it has in a year. I’ve had acupuncture before elsewhere and it has never been this effective.
I went in for a bulging disc in my back and a couple of days after the first treatment I had no pain in my back. Before treatment I had a constant dull pain in the middle of my back when at rest. The treatments were about a week apart and I completed 3 of them. It has been about 3 weeks since I have been and have a slight pain in my back but is nowhere near what it was before I started treatment. Before getting acupuncture I tried chiropractic and felt worse when I was done. For those that are skeptical like me, let me tell you that it works. I would definitely recommend Dr Mark in his ability to help with your pain.
I suffered from low back pain for years and tried many different remedies. When I came to Raleigh Acupuncture, they really listened to understand my issues. I can honestly say that they cured my chronic back pain. I didn’t think it was possible, after all these years. I highly recommend this practice. The doctors take the time and do good work.