Acupuncture is the safest, most effective way to relieve anxiety, panic attacks, and racing heart. This safe, natural treatment provides long-lasting relief and has no adverse side effects. So if you have unease and nervousness, come in and experience the Raleigh Acupuncture anxiety treatment.
Raleigh Acupuncture Anxiety Treatment
Watch this video to learn more about our treatment.
If anxiety is challenging your life, you are not alone. Millions of Americans struggle with it. Low-level anxiety, referred to as generalized anxiety, is the most common form. For example, you might get heart palpitations, a racing heart, an uncomfortable feeling in the pit of your stomach, or a sense of fear or dread.
More severe forms of anxiety cause panic attacks, which are the same feelings but more intense. These can be triggered by an upcoming presentation at work, going to school, or driving your car in traffic. The good news is that acupuncture can bring you tremendous relief.
Acupuncture for Anxiety – How It Works
Chinese medicine recognizes anxiety as an issue of the heart. That doesn’t mean there is anything wrong with your actual heart. Rather, the heart is where love comes from and where we store feelings. Intuitively we know that the heart is involved in feelings. When the heart is “out of balance” from a Chinese medicine perspective, it triggers anxiety.
Heart imbalance can occur from having too much heat or not enough qi (energy). The Raleigh Acupuncture anxiety treatment identifies the imbalances of the heart and corrects them. The acupuncturist gently inserts hair-thin needles at specific locations on the arms and legs that impact heart function – treatments correct imbalances leading to less anxiety.
What About Depression?
In our experience, depression and anxiety often come together. However, the causes for these two conditions are different. Therefore, while we can treat them simultaneously, an acupuncture anxiety treatment and an acupuncture depression treatment will use different points, addressing different root imbalances.
Of course, some anxiety is situational. For example, that’s perfectly normal to be anxious about your upcoming wedding, as long as you’re also feeling happy and excited. However, if you’re nervous and agitated as the date approaches because deep down you feel the marriage is a mistake, that’s different.
You don’t want to mask anxiety when your body is trying to tell you something. Your Raleigh Acupuncture anxiety treatment will address situational triggers you may be having to help you understand the root cause of your trouble.
What To Expect
As with all acupuncture treatments, your anxiety treatment will be deeply relaxing. Many of our patients fall asleep on the treatment table and wake feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. You start seeing results from your anxiety treatment within the first three sessions, often after just one session. The number of treatments you need depends on how quickly your body responds and corrects the imbalances.
Next Steps
In conclusion, if you suffer from anxiety, try acupuncture.
BOOK NOW to schedule an appointment online.
Watch video about our anxiety treatment.
Learn about all the conditions we treat.
We also treat INSOMNIA, DEPRESSION and STRESS, which are often found with anxiety.
Additional Resources
First Anxiety Acupuncture Research Study.
Second Anxiety Acupuncture Research Study.
First Anxiety Acupuncture Case Study.
Second Anxiety Acupuncture Case Study.
What our Clients are Saying
Acupuncture really helped my anxiety. I highly recommend Raleigh Acupuncture. Very professional, reasonably priced and focused on getting me better quickly. Thank you!
I came in for acupuncture highly skeptical that it would be able to help me. I’m an A-type personality and very wired. I feel like I’ve been anxious my entire life. My wife must have been secretly researching treatments for anxiety because last month she announced that I WOULD be trying acupuncture! She did well picking the practice, as the doctors at Acupuncture Associates were top notch. They explained how acupuncture worked to deal with anxiety and then set about doing it. Well, I wouldn’t be writing this letter if it didn’t work. So you know the outcome. Highly satisfactory! I’m still an A-type guy, but with a fraction of the anxiety. The feelings of dread that were constantly lingering around me are gone. In it’s place I feel a sense of peacefulness, albeit a wired peacefulness.
Ever since we moved to Raleigh I was feeling a great deal more anxiety. It was probably a combination of factors including the stress of the move, looking for work and possibly the weather. My chest would get uncomfortably tight and my heart would race throughout the day. I had taken medications in the past but didn’t want that again. Research on the web led me to Raleigh Acupuncture. They treated me for anxiety and after just one treatment I could feel the difference. I got 9 treatments and am completely better. I will continue coming because it makes me feel so good. I highly suggest acupuncture with them for the treatment of anxiety. It’s much more effective than medications.
I was feeling depressed and stressed because I didn’t like my job and didn’t know what to do with my life. I started taking Lexipro but it really affected my libido so I stopped taking it. I tried acupuncture because my husband said it helped him when he was depressed years earlier (before he met me!) I went to Raleigh Acupuncture and started treatments. They were really knowledgeable about Chinese medicine and explained how the body gets stuck in depression, and how the acupuncture gets the body unstuck. They really listened to me and helped me figure stuff out. I started feeling less depressed. Then I actually started getting more clear about what I wanted to do with my life career-wise. I decided to go back to school and now I’m almost done with my degree. I haven’t felt depressed at all since I was treated and I’m really excited about my life. I’m very grateful to them for being such great healers and such a great support to me when I really needed it.
I’ve had generalized anxiety for years and had been managing it fairly well. But then I lost my job and the anxiety really escalated. I started getting panic attacks every day and dreaded even getting in my car to drive. My sister suggested that I try acupuncture, so I did. I went to Raleigh Acupuncture and explained my situation. They said they treated this condition all the time with excellent results. I was stressed about money too, but they had reasonable fees. They treated me with acupuncture and herbs for the next two months. I know it helped, because my unemployment situation didn’t change but I stopped having panic attacks. Even my regular anxiety decreased – significantly. It’s like my whole body relaxed and things didn’t make me anxious as easily.