Acupuncture delivers powerful, long lasting results resolving acid reflux pain. This condition is known by various names: acid reflux, GERD, heartburn, stomach pain. No matter what it’s called, the Raleigh Acupuncture acid reflux treatment can help.
Raleigh Acupuncture Acid Reflux Treatment
Watch this video to learn more about our treatment.
In Chinese medicine, we understand acid reflux to be a stomach issue. Stomach contents naturally go down into the intestines. However when there is a disharmony in the stomach, acid goes up into the esophagus. This causes burning and pain from the stomach, into the chest and up to the throat in some cases. We call this a rebellious stomach!
Fortunately, acupuncture has a solution for rebellious stomach. There are acupuncture points on the body that help the stomach once again properly descend. In a sense, we retrain the stomach to perform the way it was meant to perform. This treatment has been around for thousands of years. It’s safe, quick and effective at resolving acid reflux.
How It Works
Why does the stomach start reversing itself in the first place? There can be many factors involved. Sometimes stress can cause the stomach to get out of balance and begin rebelling upwards. Other times the foods we eat can damage the stomach and trigger rebellion.
For many people, eating on the run is the problem. We digest much better when we eat a peaceful meal over the course of 30 minutes. Eating on the run, while driving, between appointments, or even standing up, can all create problems for the stomach. The triggers for this imbalance are important to recognize in order to avoid future problems.
Next Steps
If you suffer from acid reflux, GERD or heartburn, try the Raleigh Acupuncture acid reflux treatment today. During your first appointment we’ll conduct a full intake, identify your issue, and give you a complete acupuncture treatment. We look forward to seeing you.
You can book an appointment online: BOOK NOW. Or call us at 919-819-8113.

What our Clients are Saying
I’ve been coming to Raleigh Acupuncture for the last month and I have nothing but good things to say. They are so knowledgable about the whole body and care for the whole body. I have been taking acid reflux meds for years now every night. If I didn’t take them I had so many problems (burning, hurting stomach, waking up from pain in the middle of the night, etc.). After just the first treatment I was only having to take meds every other day. After 4 treatments now, I take medicine maybe every 3-4 days. The acupuncture has made more of a difference than anything else, and I am so thankful to have found Raleigh Acupuncture.
Thanks Mark for helping relieve my gastroparesis! The nausea, stomach pain, and reflux were driving me crazy. With your help and dedication I’m feeling so much better. Recommended!
Fantastic results for my acid reflux! No more burning pain, and I can eat alot more foods. Great job Raleigh Acupuncture! I’m sending all my friends to you!
I was diagnosed with GERD (acid reflux) 12 years ago and was put on medication at that time. The medication (Prilosec) eased my symptoms but I still always had some level of daily discomfort. I read an article about Chinese medicine being able to cure GERD and decided to explore my options. Raleigh Acupuncture had a good website and reviews so I booked an appointment. Their intake was very thorough and afterward they treated me with acupuncture and Chinese herbs. Within three treatments I was feeling much less symptoms of the GERD, less pain and burning. Within nine treatments my condition was completely resolved. It’s been a year since my last treatment and the GERD has not reappeared. This should be mandatory for all patients suffering from acid reflux. It does not make any sense to take medications for your whole life when a condition can be cured in a month for less than $500.
My acid reflux meds stopped working about three months ago and someone suggested acupuncture so I gave it a try. I couldn’t eat anything without having burning pain from my stomach up into my chest. What a relief from the acupuncture! They totally cured my reflux. I’ve been living with this, just managing it with medications, when all the while I could have cured it with this. Absolutely amazing! I love Raleigh Acupuncture!!