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Acupuncture treatment helped my chronic dry eyes. Whereas I had to use drops on a daily basis before my treatment, afterwards I didn’t need the drops any longer. The scratchy feeling in my eyes was gone, and my eyes were not nearly as red. I’ve sent two co-workers to Raleigh Acupuncture since being treated, both for eye conditions, and they also got relief. I recommend this practice to anyone struggling with dry eyes.
I developed ringing in my ears last year out of the blue. My doctor put me on medications, but it didn’t help. Research on the web led me to Raleigh Acupuncture. They treated me a dozen times and my ringing was gone. It has not come back. I don’t know what they did, but it worked. I’m very grateful. Thank you.
Excellent Chinese medicine at Raleigh Acupuncture. I had treatment for chronic sinusitis with great success. My husband also got excellent results for his sinusitis. Highest standards of care. This is real Chinese medicine as practiced in Beijing.