The Raleigh Acupuncture memory loss treatment is safe, effective, and long-lasting. So if you are struggling with memory issues, come in and try acupuncture.
Raleigh Acupuncture Memory Loss Treatment
Video on boosting memory and concentration with acupuncture.
Is Acupuncture Right For You?
There are times when all of us struggle with memory and concentration. We treat a broad spectrum of people with these issues in our acupuncture practice. Some examples include 90-year-olds wanting to improve their bridge game, college students looking for better grades, women going through menopause feeling like they are losing their minds, and young parents who can’t remember where they put their car keys.
There are many reasons why memory and concentration decline. Those reasons will vary. No matter the reason, the Raleigh Acupuncture memory loss treatment can help restore your memory and concentration.
Memory Loss and the Older Patient
For an older patient, like our 90-year-old bridge player, memory and concentration decline due to reduced blood flow to the brain, declining Kidney function, and reduced marrow production. In Chinese medicine, the Kidneys are responsible for the aging process. Therefore, the stronger your Kidneys, the slower you will age.
Also, the brain contains marrow, and reduced marrow production will affect brain function. These three functions naturally decline with age, even in healthy people. For the senior, acupuncture serves to bolster, nourish and replenish. Treatment will increase blood flow to the brain, boost Kidney function, and increase marrow production.
Memory Loss and the College Student
The situation will be quite different for the college student (or anyone young facing memory and concentration issues). For example, a student approaching finals week might have poor concentration due to stress, exhaustion, and fear. While we can’t change the situation, we can affect how the student reacts to it.
Acupuncture manages stress by smoothing Liver function, replenishes energy by boosting metabolism, and calms fear by nourishing the Kidneys. Yes, that’s right, the Kidneys again! In Chinese medicine, fear is rooted in Kidney function. This multi-prong approach to treating brain function helps students remain calm and focused, with better recall and concentration. Furthermore, they will have less fear when taking exams.
Memory Loss and Menopause
Women going through menopause often have trouble with memory and concentration due to dramatic hormone changes. A drop in estrogen is the big culprit. Remember, a woman’s body and mind have functioned in a particular chemical environment over the past 35 years. Then, all of a sudden, that environment completely changes. As a result, her brain and body are confused and disoriented.
Acupuncture helps women adjust to the new hormone levels and allows them to claim them as their own. In Chinese medicine, we are not big advocates for hormone replacement therapy to avoid the unpleasant side effects of menopause. We would much rather help you adjust to the new hormone levels and naturally move forward with your life.
Once you have adjusted to these new levels, the typical menopausal side effects generally resolve. In addition, the Raleigh Acupuncture memory loss treatment will also help ease the other common symptoms of menopause like hot flashes, night sweats, and insomnia.
Memory Loss and Moms
Mothers with young children often have memory and concentration challenges. This fact is due to a combination of blood deficiency and exhaustion. Why blood deficiency? Women lose a great deal of blood during childbirth, and it takes time to replenish. Also, breast milk and blood are considered equivalent in Chinese medicine, so a breastfeeding woman uses more blood. Healthy brain function requires abundant blood, and insufficient blood impacts memory and concentration.
Every mom also knows that having young children means not getting enough sleep. And we understand that lack of sleep directly affects memory and concentration. So the strategy here is first to help nourish the blood, and second, boost metabolism to generate more energy from the food you eat.
Acupuncture can not provide you with more sleep, but it can maximize the energy you gain from your rest and the food you eat. Efficient metabolism also allows you to lose weight, as your body turns food into energy and not fat. More blood and energy naturally improve memory and concentration.
Acupuncture Improves Memory and Concentration
There are many more situations that result in poor memory and concentration (for example CONCUSSION). The Raleigh Acupuncture memory loss treatment handles them in a case-by-case fashion, providing the support each person needs to overcome the obstacles causing their problems. Acupuncture is a custom-made medicine that is individualized and specific for the person and their unique situation.
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Research and Case Studies
Memory Loss Acupuncture Research Study.
Memory Loss Acupuncture Case Series.
What our Clients are Saying
My wife made me come to acupuncture because I was always forgetting what she told me. Now I remember. So is this supposed to be good for me? I’m kidding! Yes, it helped. I’m not sure how, but it did work. I’m 90 years old, so I’m not supposed to remember everything, but I feel like my brain got a tune-up. They put up with my jokes here. And they fixed my neck pain too.
I suffered memory loss and inability to concentrate following a concussion several years ago. I made slow progress, but was still struggling in this area. Acupuncture has truly helped. I now have better recall and I don’t get that foggy brain as much. I’m less distracted as well. I told my doctor about acupuncture for concussion patients. I think everyone should get this done as part of their rehab. I could have used this three years ago.
I’m 87 years old, in good health all things considered. But my “senior moments” were starting to drive me crazy. I found their website and read about what acupuncture could do for memory and decided to give it a try. After several treatments I’m not ready to recite Shakespeare, but I’m not losing my car keys as frequently. My mind is definitely retaining information better, and I’m grateful for that. I will continue with the acupuncture and see what else it can do.