The Raleigh Acupuncture fibromyalgia treatment works wonders for reducing the symptoms of fibromyalgia. In addition, acupuncture will ease your pain, increase energy and improve your quality of life.
Raleigh Acupuncture Fibromyalgia Treatment
Learn about our fibromyalgia treatment in this video.
What Is Fibromyalgia?
Fibromyalgia is a Western diagnosis describing a debilitating pain syndrome. To be given this diagnosis, you have pain in many areas. The pain moves from place to place, seemingly at random. Then, you get “flares,” where pain and fatigue increase dramatically. Finally, you become exhausted to the point of being bed-ridden. Very often, flares come when you’ve done too much. But your body fails to warn when you are approaching your limits.
At Raleigh Acupuncture, we have nearly 20 years of experience helping patients manage fibromyalgia. Unfortunately, there is no cure for fibromyalgia, but patients can manage the condition. Acupuncture reduces the pain and flares of fibromyalgia so you can lead a more normal life.
How Acupuncture Works
The strategy for treating fibromyalgia patients is different than when treating patients with back, shoulder, or neck pain. For the latter, we focus on the area of pain. For example, if your neck hurts, we treat your neck. However, there is too much pain in too many distinct areas to treat locally with fibromyalgia. So instead, we treat the root, the underlying causes of pain, which quickly and effectively reduces whole-body pain.
Acupuncture treats the system-wide pain of fibromyalgia. Chinese medicine recognizes and addresses the internal imbalances responsible for this condition. This knowledge is why we are successful in reducing fibromyalgia pain.
Fibromyalgia Acupuncture Case
We recently had a patient come to our clinic complaining of pain all over her body, severe fatigue, and depression. She was newly diagnosed with fibromyalgia. Her intake exam confirmed that she had severe Spleen Qi deficiency with dampness and Liver Qi stagnation.
We suggested she try four consecutive treatments one week apart and then evaluate. After her fourth session, she was thrilled – her pain levels had decreased fifty percent, she had more energy, and her mood was significantly better. As a result, she now comes in once a month as part of her wellness-care regime.
What To Expect
The Raleigh Acupuncture fibromyalgia treatment is custom-made for each patient based on their specific needs. First, we conduct an intake exam to inquire about your pains, flares, and emotional state. Next, we determine your Chinese medicine diagnosis and create a treatment plan. Then you receive treatment – all at the first visit.
Acupuncture is safe and natural, with no adverse side effects. As a bonus, the treatments are relaxing. As you comfortably rest on the table, your body heals.
Next Steps
BOOK NOW to schedule an appointment online.
Watch Video About Our Fibromyalgia Treatment.
Learn about all the conditions we treat.
Research and Case Studies
First Fibromyalgia Acupuncture Research Study.
Second Fibromyalgia Acupuncture Research Study.
Fibromyalgia Acupuncture Case Study.
Focus Keyphrase: Raleigh Acupuncture Fibromyalgia Treatment

What our Clients are Saying
I am a long term patient of Raleigh Acupuncture. Prior to being under their care, I was disabled with terrible fatigue and pain all over my body. I was unable to drive, could only walk less than a block, and had numerous symptoms that mystified doctors. After countless lab work, x-rays, and MRI’s, several doctors including my primary physician told me that there was nothing that could be done. According to them, it was either an illness that was undiagnosable or it was all in my head. When I came to Raleigh Acupuncture, it was a breath of fresh air. They took me very seriously and were not mystified by my condition. They assured me that my condition was treatable and manageable. They treat me with respect, dignity and care; something that I didn’t receive at my primary care doctor. Thanks to their treatments I am now living a normal life. They have restored my health and taught me how to manage my condition. My family and friends can’t believe how much improvement I have made. My son is grateful to have his mommy back! And I am eternally grateful to Raleigh Acupuncture! They truly have the gift of healing!
I would like to thank Raleigh Acupuncture for the wonderful and very helpful treatments. I had been seeing them for my insomnia, which was making excellent progress at the time and has since been cured. On a previous Monday I was involved in a minor traffic accident. Due to the stress of the accident on Tuesday I awoke in a severe flare-up of my fibromyalgia. The pain was so bad I took pain killers and stayed in bed for the day. The following day I had an appointment with Dr. Mark which I wanted to cancel. My husband suggested I keep the appointment and tell Dr. Mark about the pain. After our discussion, he modified the treatment he had planned for me and treated the pain. I came home, took another pain pill and went back to bed. The following morning I woke pain free and have been since, which is about 2 to 3 months. Thanks again Raleigh Acupuncture!
I still am forever in your debt for helping me through the Lymes recovery. My body pain and fatigue were overwhelming before getting acupuncture. I still tell everyone today that I am 100% positive that my recovery was a direct result of your expert care. Truly. I have very little residual effects from the disease that I can easily live with. So again,thank you not only for your amazing skills, but for the compassion and kindness that you showed me during that time.
All of my joints were hurting. I’ve got fibromyalgia and it effects me by making my joints hurt. The pain would move around from place to place, first the hip, the next day the shoulder, then the knee, etc. The practitioner at Raleigh Acupuncture explained that the best way to treat my kind of moving joint pain was to treat me holistically. Instead of treating the hip one day, the shoulder the next, they treated the root of the pain. They said this type of treatment would also improve my mood and my sleep. Right on all counts. I started feeling better after the second treatment. It’s like all of the joints just settled down and stopped giving me trouble. I had less flares and the intensity of the pain went way down. My sleep is better, not just because I have less pain. I’m more relaxed and less stressed. I’ve made this treatment a regular part of my life. I’m very grateful.
I’ve been going to Raleigh Acupuncture for 4+ years. I first went to them because I was having problems with my monthly period lasting two weeks or more, hot flashes that were extreme, and all over pain from fibromyalgia, which is a chronic pain condition. I was in a state of depression and despair, unable to work, or do things I love to do, like working in my yard. On a good day, I could perform simple household chores, perhaps a little yoga, and that was all. My first few visits brought relief from hot flashes, terrible neck pain, and wrap-around pain in my ribs that restricted my ability to breathe comfortably. I felt this was a miracle as I had suffered for many years, and had no idea it was so easily remedied. This miraculous ride continued as I took Chinese herbs for aiding my menopausal symptoms, sinus problems, anxiety, and general pain. As time went on I began to depend on Raleigh Acupuncture for psychological strengthening as well. Nowhere else have I found anyone that really listens to what I have to say without thinking I was crazy. Today, as I sit and reflect, I am about to graduate from an intense two year program for Landscape Architecture Technology. I took a huge leap when I signed up for full-time classes when I was 50 years old. I have enjoyed great success, making one B in 64 credit hours, the rest were A’s! In February of 2011, I was in a car accident where I was sandwiched between a van and a school bus. I was able to continue school and finish the semester, I believe because of my acupuncture treatments. I contribute most of my academic success, emotional well-being, and diminished pain to Raleigh Acupuncture.