The Raleigh Acupuncture shingles treatment relieves shingles pain and promotes faster healing. This ancient form of Chinese medicine is completely natural, safe, and delivers long-lasting relief.
Raleigh Acupuncture Shingles Treatment
Learn about our shingles treatment in this video.
What Is Shingles?
Also known as herpes zoster, shingles occurs when awakened by a dormant chickenpox virus. The condition causes a painful rash along the nerve pathway. The rash can appear anywhere on the body, although it typically strikes the torso. Sometimes the virus will trigger pain with no visible rash. Furthermore, the chance of developing shingles increases with age.
Acupuncture Resolves Shingles
Western medicine treats shingles with medications. Doctors prescribe antiviral drugs to fight the herpes zoster virus and corticosteroids to reduce inflammation and pain.
Acupuncture speeds up the healing process of the shingles virus. This painful condition can linger for weeks and sometimes months when treated with Western medicines alone. However, by adding acupuncture to the treatment protocol, shingles often resolves within one to two weeks. Furthermore, acupuncture is the best therapy for resolving post-herpetic neuralgia, a painful nerve condition that follows after the shingles virus is gone, sometimes lasting for years.
Herpes Zoster Relief with Acupuncture
Chinese medicine recognizes shingles as a condition involving toxic heat, dampness, and internal wind lodged inside the body. Acupuncture resolves these imbalances and, in so doing, helps restore the body to its natural state.
We have developed a highly effective treatment to speed the healing process and calm the inflamed nerves associated with shingles. Patients describe the Raleigh Acupuncture shingles treatment as miraculous.
Acupuncture is Safe
Treatments are painless, relaxing, and effective. After just one session, pain and itching begin to subside. Within three treatments, acupuncture significantly reduces the rash. Unlike Western medications, there are no adverse side effects with acupuncture.
If you have shingles, start your acupuncture shingles treatments right away. The earlier you begin, the sooner you will feel relief. In addition, if you are receiving Western medical treatment, you can safely get acupuncture simultaneously.
All needles are sterile, single-use, and hair-thin. Once we place the needles into position, you simply rest – the needles do all the work. Many of our patients fall asleep during their treatments. Afterward, you will feel refreshed and rejuvenated.
Recent Shingles Case
A 46-year-old man came to our clinic during a severe shingles attack. He had gotten antiviral medication and steroids from his doctor, who sent him home and told him to wait for the condition to ease. But his pain was 10 out of 10, and the pain medications were not helping. So finally, in desperation, he came for acupuncture in the hopes it could give him some relief.
The rash was on his left torso, extending from the back, under his arm, to the front. The rash was red, and he said it itched like crazy while also being incredibly painful. We performed the Raleigh Acupuncture shingles treatment that same day and sent him home afterward to rest.
The following week he returned for his second treatment and reported that his pain levels had decreased by 50 percent after the first session. He was thrilled with the results and excited to be back for more acupuncture. This treatment delivered 20 percent more pain relief. After four sessions, acupuncture had completely healed his shingles. In addition, he had no residual nerve pain, as acupuncture had remedied his damaged nerves while treating the shingles rash.
Next Steps
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Video – Raleigh Acupuncture Shingles Treatment.
Learn about all the conditions we treat.
Acupuncture Research and Case Studies
Shingles Acupuncture Research Study.
Shingles Acupuncture Case Study.
What our Clients are Saying
I got the shingles shot and still got shingles! Anyway, a friend had gotten relief at Raleigh Acupuncture for her shingles, so I tried it. What a huge difference. The first week, before getting acupuncture, my pain levels from the rash were 10 out of 10. As soon as I started my acupuncture, the pain decreased. They had me better within a few weeks. I was thrilled and am very grateful.
My wife had gone through shingles a few years back and had gotten relief from acupuncture. So when I got it, we called the next day and set up an appointment. The docs at Raleigh Acupuncture are now two for two, helping both of us. Thank you!
I developed a terrible case of shingles last year. The rash ran from back to front. It was burning, painful and very itchy. I was beside myself. I had been to Raleigh Acupuncture for knee pain and decided to call to see if they could help. Sure enough, they said come in immediately. I’m so glad that I did. I felt better after the first treatment. I ended up having about half a dozen treatments over the course of two weeks. They completely resolved my shingles. I strongly suggest you try acupuncture for shingles. It works amazingly.