If you have shingles, acupuncture is the single best medical treatment to speed your recover. Shingles treated with acupuncture brings dramatic relief. And compared to Western medication treatment, acupuncture has no negative side effects.
Shingles: Western Medicine Background
Shingles (herpes zoster) is caused by reactivation of the varicella-zoster virus that has been dormant in a person after having chickenpox. It affects the sensory ganglia and their areas of innervation, and is characterized by pain in the distribution of the affected nerve, and crops of clustered vesicles over the area. Pain may occur days before rash onset, or no rash may appear, making the diagnosis difficult.
The annual incidence of herpes zoster varies with age, being very rare in children, occurring in 2-3 cases per 1,000 people in early adult life and in up to 10 per 1000 in those aged 80 years and over. The severity of the symptoms also increases with age. Some people suffer from post herpetic neuralgia after shingles, due to nerve damage.
Conventional shingles treatment involves giving an antiviral drug such as aciclovir, as soon as possible, to limit the damage caused by the herpes zoster virus. Corticosteroids may be used to reduce inflammation, and medication may be given to help with the pain, such as topical lidocaine.
Shingles Treated With Acupuncture: Better Outcomes
We have been successfully treating and resolving shingles in our practice for years. The most common presentation involves patients having a very painful rash along the nerve path from the front of their torso to the back, at the level of a woman’s bra strap. The shingles treatment with acupuncture dramatically speeds up the resolution of the rash, and reduces pain and itching.
Chinese medicine understands shingles as a condition involving toxic heat, dampness and internal wind lodged inside the body. Acupuncture is used to resolve these imbalances, and in so doing, helps restore the body to its natural state of health. The shingles treatment is painless, relaxing and effective. After just one shingles treatment, pain and itching begin to subside. Within three to six treatments, rashes are significantly reduced. There are no negative side effects from the treatment.
What To Expect
We use sterile, single-use, hair thin needles. You will hardly feel them. And treatments are relaxing. Many of our patients fall asleep during their sessions.
Next Steps
If you have shingles, start your acupuncture shingles treatments right away. The earlier you get started, the quicker the relief. If you are receiving Western medical treatment, you can safely receive acupuncture at the same time.
BOOK NOW to schedule an appointment online. Or call us at 919-819-8113 and we’ll be happy to schedule an appointment for you. Shingles treated with acupuncture is completely safe, natural and effective.
To learn more about shingles treated with acupuncture WATCH SHINGLES VIDEO.
Visit our website shingles page by clicking SHINGLES TREATED WITH ACUPUNCTURE.
For a list of all the conditions we treat with acupuncture click ALL CONDITIONS WE TREAT.
What our Clients are Saying
I got the shingles shot and still got shingles! Anyway, a friend had gotten relief at Raleigh Acupuncture for her shingles, so I tried it. What a huge difference. The first week, before getting acupuncture, my pain levels from the rash were 10 out of 10. As soon as I started my acupuncture, the pain decreased. They had me better within a few weeks. I was thrilled and am very grateful.
My wife had gone through shingles a few years back and had gotten relief from acupuncture. So when I got it, we called the next day and set up an appointment. The docs at Raleigh Acupuncture are now two for two, helping both of us. Thank you!
I developed a terrible case of shingles last year. The rash ran from back to front. It was burning, painful and very itchy. I was beside myself. I had been to Raleigh Acupuncture for knee pain and decided to call to see if they could help. Sure enough, they said come in immediately. I’m so glad that I did. I felt better after the first treatment. I ended up having about half a dozen treatments over the course of two weeks. They completely resolved my shingles. I strongly suggest you try acupuncture for shingles. It works amazingly.
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