Hives and urticaria are resolved best with acupuncture. By treating the root issue, we get long-lasting results. Learn how the Raleigh Acupuncture hives urticaria treatment can help.
Raleigh Acupuncture Hives Urticaria Treatment
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Skin Is Your Most Important Organ
It’s easy to forget that our skin is an organ, just like our heart, lungs, and liver. When it functions well, we thrive. And when it doesn’t, we suffer. Acupuncture is all about maximizing organ function. This principle includes your skin. That’s why we can resolve issues like hives and urticaria.
Acupuncture Resolves Hives and Urticaria
Both of these conditions involve excess heat in the skin. Your body is generating too much internal heat. As a result, it uses the skin to vent heat out of the body. Western medicine uses topical creams to calm the surface of the skin. But such an approach is insufficient.
Acupuncture goes to the root of the problem, clearing excess heat from within your body. First, we identify the source of your extra heat. Next, we correct the imbalance at the organ level. As a result, your skin condition will improve.
What To Expect
When you come for the Raleigh Acupuncture hives urticaria treatment, we conduct an intake exam:
- We review your medical history and details about your skin condition.
- Then we inquire about your sleep, stress levels, diet, digestion, and bowel function. These can all play an essential role in generating excess heat inside your body.
- Finally, we create a treatment plan to address your hives and urticaria.
On your first visit, you will receive a complete acupuncture treatment. It will immediately start addressing the root cause of your skin condition. All of our needles are single-use, sterile, and hair-thin. As a result, you will hardly feel them. In addition, our treatments are so relaxing that many patients fall asleep during their sessions.
Recent Hives Case
A 42-year-old man came to our clinic with a severe case of hives that covered his entire body. Steroids brought only temporary relief. The itching and discomfort were extreme, and he felt desperate for a solution. He had one previous outbreak of hives several years ago but had been fine in the interim. The intake exam revealed that his pulse was rapid and wiry, and his tongue was red, reflecting internal heat.
He experienced immediate relief after his first acupuncture treatment. When he arrived a week later for his second session, his hives were fifty percent better. We had also prescribed a Chinese herbal formula to complement his acupuncture. His hives entirely resolved following the fourth treatment. A year later, they had not returned. His response is typical for the impressive results we achieve with acupuncture when treating hives and urticaria.
Next Steps
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Watch Video About Our Hives Urticaria Treatment.
We treat many other skin conditions as well, including ECZEMA, SHINGLES, ACNE and ITCHING PAIN. Click on these links to learn more.
Learn about all the conditions we treat.
Research and Case Studies
Hives Acupuncture Research Study.
Focus Keyphrase: Raleigh Acupuncture Hives Urticaria
What our Clients are Saying
My whole life I broke out in hives when I exercised. It was always the areas where I sweat. It would last the day and then clear up. Obviously something I could live with. But still a bother. My wife gave me an acupuncture treatment for my birthday (to relax) at Raleigh Acupuncture Associates. They asked if I had any issues and I just mentioned about the hives. They treated for that plus stress. I was really surprised the next time I ran because I didn’t break out as much. So I went back for some more sessions. After six appointments the rashes didn’t come up anymore. I don’t know what exactly they did, but it worked. I highly recommend them.
After I gave birth to my son I developed hives. They were triggered by stress. Medications didn’t help. I felt like I was losing my mind. The hives caused more stress, and the condition was getting worse and worse. I did some research on the internet and found Raleigh Acupuncture. After just three treatments my hives were 50% better. I continued treatment for a few months until they were 100% cured. It’s been six months since my last treatment and still no hives, even when I’m stressed. I’m very grateful to Raleigh Acupuncture. My whole family goes to them now because they are such good health care providers.