The Raleigh Acupuncture tinnitus treatment relieves ringing in the ears better than most other medical options. In addition, treatments are safe, natural, and provide long-term relief.
Raleigh Acupuncture Tinnitus Treatment
Watch video on our tinnitus treatment.
Ringing In The Ear
Tinnitus often strikes people in their 40’s, 50’s, and 60’s. Sometimes it’s triggered by illness. It can develop when you are under stress or have been through a traumatic event like surgery, illness, or a car accident. It can strike people who have a strong temper and flush easily. In all these cases, acupuncture may be able to help.
Acupuncture Tinnitus Relief
The treatment will vary from patient to patient, depending on your symptoms.
First, illness and trauma can create imbalances in a person’s body that generate “Yang Rising” energy in the head. Yang energy is hot and powerful, like the geyser Old Faithful in Yellowstone. When it rises, it can cause tinnitus.
Second, people with quick tempers, irritability, and anger also get Yang Rising. Same concept as above. Heat rushes to the head, causing ringing in the ears, a flushed face, sweating, and a hot sensation.
Third, people with “Yin Deficiency” also tend to develop tinnitus. Yin is the body’s cooling and moisturizing system. When it’s deficient, there is too much heat and dryness. You see yin deficiency in menopause, when people work too hard (burning the candle at both ends) and from taking strong medications for a long time.
The Raleigh Acupuncture tinnitus treatment works by restoring balance. It anchors Yang, nourishes yin, reduces stress, calms anger, and restores health following a long illness. Once restored, the ringing can be relieved.
What To Expect
Tinnitus is a challenging condition to treat. However, acupuncture and Chinese medicine can reduce ringing in the ears for over fifty percent of our patients. We typically treat a new patient four times – if they respond positively, we proceed with acupuncture treatments. If we see no improvement, we will stop treatment and refer them to different therapies.
Each tinnitus case requires a specific acupuncture approach. For example, treatment for Yang Rising looks different from treating yin deficiency. Furthermore, acupuncture for trauma varies from treatment for stress from overwork. Your treatment for tinnitus will focus on the areas you need healing.
When you first come to acupuncture, we conduct an intake exam. We take your history, learn about how your tinnitus developed, and inquire about your symptoms. We then treat you to address your particular imbalance.
Recent Tinnitus Case
A 47-year-old woman came to our clinic complaining of persistent tinnitus since getting Covid the previous year. She also had perimenopausal symptoms of night sweats, hot flashes, insomnia, and foggy thinking.
We focused her treatment on reestablishing balance in her body by nourishing her Kidney Yin and clearing empty heat. Acupuncture points included TW17, KD6, LU7, SP6, TW3, and LI11. Within four sessions, her tinnitus and perimenopausal symptoms decreased by 60 percent. After another four treatments, she was completely better.
At Raleigh Acupuncture, we have found both Covid and the Covid vaccine triggering new health conditions or aggravating existing ones. However, acupuncture excels at restoring balance and often can relieve stubborn health conditions.
Next Steps
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VIDEO – Raleigh Acupuncture Tinnitus Treatment.
Learn about all the conditions we treat.
Acupuncture Research and Case Studies
Tinnitus Acupuncture Research Study.
Tinnitus Acupuncture Case Study.
What our Clients are Saying
I’ve had tinnitus for as long as I can remember. It came and went, sounding like the ocean. I would hear it mostly at night, which made it difficult to fall asleep. I was getting my back treated at Raleigh Acupuncture when I happened to mention the tinnitus. The doctor offered to treat that at the same time, and to my surprise, the tinnitus went away. What a bonus to my back treatment (which by the way also got better!). I would have taken care of this years ago if I knew acupuncture could cure tinnitus.
I developed ringing in my ears last year out of the blue. My doctor put me on medications, but it didn’t help. Research on the web led me to Raleigh Acupuncture. They treated me a dozen times and my ringing was gone. It has not come back. I don’t know what they did, but it worked. I’m very grateful. Thank you.