The Raleigh Acupuncture macular degeneration treatment slows the progression of the disease.
Raleigh Acupuncture Macular Degeneration Treatment
This video describes our macular degeneration treatment.
What Is Macular Degeneration?
Macular degeneration is caused by deterioration of the macula. The macula is located in the center of the retina in the eye. It is the part of the retina responsible for high acuity (sharpness) and central vision. Macular degeneration is often age related. It can lead to vision loss and blindness among people, especially those who are 65 years and older.
There are two types of macular degeneration: the dry type (a.k.a non-neovascular) and the wet type (a.k.a neovascular). Dry macular degeneration is more common. About 90% of all cases are dry. It is also less severe. The diagnosis is formed when deposits of yellow colored spots called “drusen” accumulate in the macular area. Gradual vision loss can occur in the dry type but not as severely as the wet type.
The wet type of macular degeneration is diagnosed when blood vessels grow beneath the retina and start to leak blood and liquid. This leakage causes permanent damage to the light-sensitive cells in the eye and lead to blind spots in the central vision. This more severe wet type of macular degeneration consists of 10% of the cases.
There are some early signs that you can detect: straight lines become curvy. You see black spots or patches in the central vision. You can test yourself on an Amsler grid. It is a printed grid consisting of straight lines vertically and horizontally, with a black dot in the center. If some of these lines appear wavy or blurred, or there are dark areas in the center, then you may have early signs of macular degeneration.
What To Expect
Western medicine does not have a cure for this. But, in our clinic, we have developed a treatment protocol that slows the progression of the disease. Our treatment uses Chinese acupuncture with the assistance of Chinese herbal medicine to treat this condition.
We have seen significant improvement with our patients. Most of our patients start seeing improvement in their eyesight after 4 weeks. These improvements are verified with better test results on the Amsler Grid. For more severe cases, patients report seeing improvements after 8 weeks.
Individualized Treatment Plan
You will receive an individualized treatment plan that fits your specific eye condition. Your acupuncture treatments will specifically address slowing the progression of macular degeneration to improve your eyesight.
In addition, if you are open to taking Chinese herbal medicine, we will prescribe this medicine as well. Chinese herbs help support the acupuncture you receive, and deepen the effects of your treatments.
You will most likely feel a vision improvement within 4 to 8 weeks. In addition, if you have aches and pains you will see these pains dramatically reduced. If you suffer from sleeping issues, you will see significant improvement in your sleep quality as well.
Next Steps
BOOK NOW to schedule an appointment online.
To learn about other head and sensory organ conditions we treat click HEAD AND SENSORY ORGANS. For a list of all the conditions we treat with acupuncture click CONDITIONS WE TREAT.
CLICK HERE to watch a short video about the Raleigh Acupuncture macular degeneration treatment.
What our Clients are Saying
My eyesight started deteriorating six years ago. At first it was real gradual, but in the last few years it got much worse. I was really starting to panic. My husband read about Raleigh Acupuncture’s eye program and enrolled me. I was nervous about the acupuncture at first, but Jinmei was so wonderful that it wasn’t an issue after the first treatment. I don’t know what exactly she did, but Jinmei stopped my macular degeneration. My eyesight is no longer getting worse. I finally found a treatment for this condition and am so happy about it. Thank you!!!
I was diagnosed with macular degeneration five years ago. My eyesight continued to deteriorate each year, with no treatment seeming to help. Then I read about Raleigh Acupuncture and Dr. Jinmei’s work with macular degeneration. I signed up for treatment and am very pleased that I did. I started having improvement with my vision after four weeks, and the improvements just continued as the treatments progressed. The acupuncture was very relaxing and enjoyable and has made a tremendous difference in my eyesight. I would say that my condition is now stable and I no longer fear losing my eyesight. I am very grateful to Dr. Jinmei and highly recommend this program.