The Raleigh Acupuncture sinus infection treatment is the best option for resolving sinus problems. It often works better than antibiotics, is natural, safe, and has no adverse side effects.
Raleigh Acupuncture Sinus Infection Treatment
Learn about our sinus infection treatment in this video.
How Acupuncture Works
We use a combination of acupuncture and Chinese herbs to relieve sinus infections. Unlike antibiotics, there are no adverse side effects. And our results last. You will start feeling better after the first session, and acupuncture will significantly reduce or resolve the infection within three to six sessions.
In addition, acupuncture strengthens your body to resist future sinus problems. We also have good results in treating chronic sinusitis – constant runny nose, congestion, and fatigue. All in all, acupuncture is the best treatment for sinus issues.
Acupuncture Relieves Sinus Problems
In Chinese medicine, “heat and phlegm” are the root issues behind sinus infections and chronic sinusitis. These “evils” lodge in the head and sinuses, blocking their ability to function normally. Our treatment strengthens the body to transform stubborn phlegm and heat congesting the sinuses and nasal cavities.
Phlegm accumulation is always a sign that the body is weak. In Chinese medicine, the spleen is in charge of preventing phlegm accumulation in the body. In Western medicine, the spleen is not so important, but in Chinese medicine, it is essential. It controls water metabolism in the body. If the spleen is weak, it is unable to manage water metabolism. Then, if there is any excess heat in the body, dampness transforms into phlegm. When phlegm lodges in the head, sinus problems and chronic nasal congestion result.
The Raleigh Acupuncture sinus infection treatment strengthens the spleen, reducing the risk of phlegm accumulation. Vital organs translate to good health, no matter the situation. Acupuncture heals from the inside out, targetting the relevant organs, and empowering the body to expel the root causes of disease.
Acupuncture is Safe
All needles are sterile, single-use, and hair-thin. The treatments are relaxing – many patients fall asleep during their sessions. Afterward, you will feel refreshed and rejuvenated.
Recent Sinus Infection Case
A 60-year-old man came to our clinic suffering from sinus pain and congestion. It had started with a severe allergic reaction to pine pollen in April, turning into chronic pain in the face, fatigue, and congestion. He didn’t want to take antibiotics and decided to try acupuncture first.
He wasn’t running a fever, so we were able to treat him right away. Unfortunately, our office can’t accommodate people with active infections that might jeopardize our immune-compromised patients’ health and safety. Treatment focused on strengthening his spleen function, transforming phlegm accumulation in the head, and clearing heat. Acupuncture points included ST36, ST40, LI4, LI11, LI20, and Yintang. We also prescribed a Chinese herbal formula that works wonders for relieving sinus infections.
After the first session, our patient felt significant relief, with less sinus pressure, more energy, and less congestion. Within three treatments, he was completely recovered. Again, acupuncture empowered his body to heal itself, all without the need for Western medications.
Next Steps
BOOK NOW to schedule an appointment online.
Video – Raleigh Acupuncture Sinus Infection Treatment.
Learn about all the conditions we treat.
Acupuncture Research Studies
Chronic Rhinitis Acupuncture Research Study.
Allergy Acupuncture Research Study.
What our Clients are Saying
Excellent Chinese medicine at Raleigh Acupuncture. I had treatment for chronic sinusitis with great success. My husband also got excellent results for his sinusitis. Highest standards of care. This is real Chinese medicine as practiced in Beijing.
I’ve struggled with sinus infections for my entire adult life, getting around two to three infections a year. In between episodes I would always have sinus congestion, a clogged nose and difficulty breathing, especially at night. I tried Raleigh Acupuncture and they completely changed my life. I came in with a particularly severe sinus infection that two rounds of antibiotics had not been able to clear. Within six sessions the infection was gone. I stayed on for another six treatments and now my chronic nasal congestion is gone as well. I’m thrilled with what they did and highly recommend their practice to anyone suffering from sinus problems.
The practitioners at Raleigh Acupuncture are miracle workers! In early December I went through the conventional methods of going to Kaiser when struggling through a terrible sinus infection. After eight weeks of nonstop coughing and sinus congestion and going through two separate antibiotics I started to give up hope. I remembered I visited Raleigh Acupuncture the year before when I had a similar experience and was feeling better after two treatments. I hopped online and found an opening for the following day. They were extremely accommodating around my work schedule, and even made arrangements so I could receive my final treatment on a Friday night. After three treatments I was finally back to normal. From now on I will always contact Raleigh Acupuncture whenever I start to feel under the weather rather than relying on doctors and antibiotics.