The Raleigh Acupuncture ADHD (Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder) treatment improves attention and concentration. Furthermore, acupuncture reduces stress and anxiety and promotes calmness. Treatments are safe, natural, and long-lasting.
Watch video about our ADHD treatment.
The Problem
The Attention Deficit Disorder Association defines ADHD as “a brain-based syndrome that regulates brain function and behavior, referred to as executive functioning skills.” Executive function skills include attention, concentration, memory, motivation, and effort. Furthermore, various contributing factors play a role in these challenges, including chemical and structural differences in the brain as well as genetics.
The Solution
While acupuncture cannot cure ADHD, it is a powerful tool to manage and reduce symptoms. Patients describe feeling calmer and having improved focus and concentration after receiving acupuncture.
Benefits are long-lasting because acupuncture addresses root causes responsible for the condition. In addition, acupuncture works well in conjunction with traditional treatments, including medication, talk therapy, and coaching.
How It Works
Acupuncture improves concentration by nourishing the brain. There are acupuncture points that strengthen the marrow of the brain. Memory is improved by nourishing the Kidneys and Heart. Also, acupuncture improves motivation by strengthening the Liver and reduces hyperactivity by clearing excess heat from the body. All of these techniques are safe, natural, and painless.
A primary point for nourishing the brain is GB39, located on the lower leg. In addition, points to boost memory include KD3, PC6, and GV20. Motivation points include LV3 on the foot and LI4 on the hand. Finally, hyperactivity calming points include LI11, GV14, and KD2. Each person with ADHD will receive a customized treatment plan that includes specific acupuncture points best suited to their needs.
These acupoints provide both short-term therapeutic value and long-term adjustments to how the body works. After a course of treatment, a person with ADHD will have more control over their state of calm, concentration, and behavior.
What To Expect
All needles are sterile, single-use, and hair-thin. You will hardly feel them. As a bonus, treatments are relaxing. Many of our patients fall asleep during their sessions. Afterward, you will feel refreshed and rejuvenated.
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Raleigh Acupuncture ADHD Treatment