The National Institutes of Health have declared acupuncture to be one of the most effective treatments for knee pain. The Raleigh Acupuncture knee pain treatment is safe, natural, and provides long-lasting relief.
Raleigh Acupuncture Knee Pain Treatment
Watch this video to learn about our knee treatment.
The Problem
Knee pain comes in many varieties:
- Athletes get knee pain from repetitive stress, injury, and overuse.
- Seniors get knee pain from the natural process of joint degeneration (arthritis).
- The rest of us get knee pain from daily living, as unfortunately, there are numerous ways of triggering knee pain.
The knee is one of the most used and abused joints in the body. Every time we stand up, walk to the refrigerator or take the dog for a walk, we’re using our knees. And it is easy to throw this joint out of balance. But whether you’re an athlete, a senior, or somewhere in between, the Raleigh Acupuncture knee pain treatment can help relieve and resolve your knee pain.
Acupuncture Relieves Knee Pain
Qi energy flows through our body through channels (a.k.a. meridians), just as blood spans the body via vessels. When Qi streams unimpeded, there is no pain. However, pain results when Qi gets blocked – through injury or disease. Joints are like intersections in the road system, and they are prone to Qi blockage, just as accidents occur more frequently at crossroads. That is why the knees and other joints are so susceptible to pain.
When accidents occur at an intersection, traffic gets backed up, causing congestion. Likewise, injuries occur in our bodies, causing congestion in the channels. We call that congestion “Qi stagnation.”
Knee and other joint pain is simply Qi stagnation (stuck Qi in the channels). Acupuncture resolves stagnation, just like the police remove car accidents at an intersection, restoring normal traffic flow. Conclusion: Acupuncture points in and around the joints unblock Qi stagnation and restore proper energy flow in the meridians – resolving pain naturally and efficiently.
What To Expect
All needles are sterile, single-use, and hair-thin. And the treatments are relaxing – many of our patients fall asleep during their sessions. Afterward, you will wake feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. While you rest, acupuncture is healing your knees.
Relief from the Raleigh Acupuncture knee pain treatment is long-lasting. Unlike pain medications, which mask the pain, acupuncture gets the channels open and keeps them open. Qi wants to flow freely through the body, just as water naturally seeks to flow down a stream. Given the opportunity, Qi will always return to a state of movement.
Recent Knee Pain Case
A 66-year-old man came to our clinic complaining of debilitating knee pain, made worse when playing golf. He had just retired the previous year and was frustrated because now that he had time to hit the links more frequently, his knees were keeping him sidelined.
His pain was under the kneecaps, with swelling and inflammation. After a complete examination, we treated him using the following acupoints: Xiyan, ST36, SP9, LV8, LI11, GV20, and Yintang. After this first session, he did not feel any better, but we encouraged him to try a few treatments before making an assessment. We explained that sometimes the body responded quickly, while other times it took a bit longer. If there were no improvements after four sessions, we would stop treatment and refer him to another therapy.
Happily, following the third treatment, his knees started feeling better – the Qi stagnation in his knees began to resolve. It took just six sessions to reduce his knee pain by 80 percent, allowing him to play golf four times a week. A check-in six months later revealed that his knees were still feeling good, with no return to pain.
Next Steps
BOOK NOW to schedule an appointment online.
Watch Video About the Raleigh Acupuncture Knee Pain Treatment.
Acupuncture resolves pain in other joints as well, including the ELBOW , SHOULDER and HIP.
Learn about all the conditions we treat.
Research and Case Studies
Knee Pain Acupuncture Research Study.
Knee Pain Acupuncture Case Study.
Focus Keyphrase: Raleigh Acupuncture Knee Pain Treatment
What our Clients are Saying
My knees were so bad with arthritis that I couldn’t play golf. My wife did research on the internet and said acupuncture might help. I went in not expecting much. He told me it would take three to six treatments to see if it would work. My case was tougher because I’m overweight. Sure enough, after five treatments the pain started easing. I needed twelve treatments total, but my knees improved so much I’m playing golf again. I go in for what he calls tune-ups every month, but I don’t mind. The acupuncture keeps my knees not hurting. I’ve recommended it to my golf buddies and they’ve had success as well.
Raleigh Acupuncture was recommended by a friend after I mentioned my insomnia and dependency on a sleeping pill. My apprehension was short lived because of the results of my visits to Dr. Mark. With acupuncture treatments and Chinese herbs I was able to begin sleeping well and continue to do so. Dr. Mark is a good listener and encourages his patients in all health issues as well as the original purpose for treatment. Consequently, my knees are stronger and I’m walking better and with more confidence. I haven’t had the need for a cortisone shot in a year and a half. Occasionally, I would use a cane and it’s now somewhere gathering dust. Also, I had a persistent headache that my primary physician had no solution for, and after two acupuncture treatments it’s a thing of the past. Hot flashes were another issue that was treated successfully. I am so grateful to have found a knowledgeable and caring person to treat my ailments, many of which I thought would only grow worse as I aged. Generally, I feel healthier.
I love to play golf, that’s my passion. But I’m overweight and my knees hurt so bad I couldn’t even walk the course. My wife told me to try acupuncture. These guys were straight with me, said to try six treatments to see if my knees would respond. I’ll tell you, nothing happened at first. But, by the sixth treatment my knees starting feeling better. I got six more treatments after that and now I’m playing golf again. They don’t hurt so much any more. From a 10 out of 10, now they’re at a 3. I can live with that.
My knees were so bad I couldn’t walk down the stairs without holding on to the railing for dear life. I’m also deathly afraid of needles. So they used extra tiny needles on my knees and in three treatments my knee pain was gone. Incredible! I highly recommend Raleigh Acupuncture for anyone with knee pain.
This was my first time trying out acupuncture. I had a great experience and was made to feel very comfortable with the whole process. The treatment I received on my knee definitely helped with my tendinitis. I would recommend Raleigh Acupuncture to anyone.