Do you suffer from elbow pain? Has it been diagnosed as tennis or golf elbow? Try the Raleigh Acupuncture elbow pain treatment. Typical Western medicine treatment is to stop using your arm and take ibuprofen three times daily for a month. Acupuncture offers a better solution. Within as few as three treatments, we can resolve your elbow pain. No medications are required, and you don’t need to stop physical activity.
Raleigh Acupuncture Elbow Pain Treatment
Watch this video to learn more about how we treat elbow pain.
Acupuncture gets superior results treating elbow pain because it treats the source of the problem. As a result, treatments deliver focused, powerful and accurate results.
Tennis Elbow
Tennis elbow is inflammation of the tendon near the lateral epicondyle (the outside bump on your elbow). The inflammation comes from repeated use of the arm. Inserting hair-thin acupuncture needles along the side of this tendon increases blood circulation to the area.
The increased circulation cools the inflammation and promotes healing. The body responds quickly to this treatment. Just a few treatments are needed to reduce the inflammation from tendinitis and resolve the elbow pain.
Golf Elbow
Golf elbow, another common condition, is also tendinitis, but on the other side. This pain presents near the medial epicondyle (the inside bump on your elbow). Again, the treatment strategy is similar to tennis elbow, and the results are equally effective.
Acupuncture Resolves Arm Pain
We also successfully treat pain in the forearm, biceps, triceps, and deltoid muscles. The deltoid is the muscle surrounding the shoulder at the top of the arm. Again, we use different techniques for different pain locations with excellent results.
Other Joint Pain
Other joints that respond well to acupuncture are SHOULDERS, HIPS and KNEES.
Elbow Pain Acupuncture Case
A patient recently came to our clinic complaining of elbow pain. She was an avid tennis player. Sure enough, she presented with the telltale signs of tennis elbow. Sharp, stabbing pain made it difficult for her to compete in the tennis league, and it was even affecting her ability to reach and carry objects at home. In addition, her arm was tender when we pressed around her elbow, and the pain was not getting better on its own.
We treated her with our standard Raleigh Acupuncture elbow pain treatment for tennis elbow. This process involved placing tiny needles along the inflamed tendon in the forearm and elbow and distal points on her legs to reduce tightness and inflammation system-wide. After one treatment, her pain was 20 percent reduced. Acupuncture completely resolved her pain following the fourth treatment. In addition, she did not have to take any pain medications once her acupuncture sessions began. And she ended up coming in first place in the tennis league!
What To Expect
As with all acupuncture treatments, they are safe, relaxing and leave you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. All needles are sterile, single-use, hair-thin. You will hardly feel them.
Next Steps
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Watch Video About Our Elbow Pain Treatment.
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Research and Case Studies
Elbow Pain Acupuncture Research Study.
First Elbow Pain Acupuncture Case Study.
What our Clients are Saying
My whole arm went numb from my shoulder down to the fingers. It was a burning, numb pain that was terrible. I couldn’t sleep. The doctor told me to take pain meds, which didn’t help. They said I was stressed. My son has been helped at Raleigh Acupuncture so I booked an appointment. They treated my neck to take pressure off the nerves to my arm. After the first treatment my pain went down by half. And after six treatments the pain was gone. I was so relieved and thankful.
I’m a cook and work at a hospital kitchen. I developed terrible pain in my elbow, arm and hand, so bad that I had to take a leave of absence from work. I got 4 acupuncture treatments and my pain was gone. I was able to go back to work. I highly recommend Raleigh Acupuncture for elbow pain.
I developed tennis elbow and suffered for eight months. I was told to take ibuprofen 3 times a day for a month. Well, that didn’t help. After just 3 treatments my elbow pain was completely gone. Why did I wait so long??? Raleigh Acupuncture really did the job.