Many women have uterine fibroids. They cause pain and can make it very difficult to get pregnant. The Raleigh Acupuncture fibroids treatment can reduce the size of fibroids and often eliminate them.
Raleigh Acupuncture Fibroids Treatment
At Raleigh Acupuncture, we have years of experience treating fibroids. In Chinese medicine terms, a fibroid is stagnant blood that has collected and taken form. Fibroids are not only painful but can block normal functioning of the uterus. Therefore, the key to reducing fibroids is to resolve the stagnant blood.
Using acupuncture and Chinese herbs, we can make the blood in your body flow normally again. We call this process “invigorating the blood.” In many cases, blood will stagnate due to an underlying lack of blood. Blood deficiency will often cause poor circulation leading to stagnation. In this situation, we will move the blood and help build the blood.
Other common conditions associated with fibroids include PAINFUL PERIODS and IRREGULAR PERIODS.
Fibroids Acupuncture Case Study
A woman recently came to our clinic complaining of painful periods and fibroids. Her doctor said she had half a dozen 1-2 cm fibroids in her uterus, making her cycle extremely painful. In addition, she had been trying to get pregnant for the past two years without success.
We treated her to resolve blood stasis, nourish the kidneys, and build blood (she was also borderline anemic). After a course of twelve treatments, her periods were dramatically less painful. An ultrasound confirmed that the fibroids were gone. Three months later, she was pregnant.
What To Expect
The Raleigh Acupuncture fibroids treatment is relaxing. All needles are sterile, single-use, and hair-thin. Most of the acupuncture points are located on the arms and legs, from the knees and elbows down. You will hardly feel them because the needles are so tiny. In fact, many of our patients fall asleep during their sessions.
Acupuncture activates blood circulation in the lower abdomen, naturally prompting fibroids to diminish size and hardness. The process is relaxing and gentle. In addition, your body will get stronger during the acupuncture treatments. You will be able to monitor your progress by getting an ultrasound, which can monitor fibroid size.
Next Steps
We have helped hundreds of women reduce their fibroids. Many who could not get pregnant beforehand were able to get pregnant after receiving the Raleigh Acupuncture fibroid treatment.
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What our Clients are Saying
I had heavy menstrual bleeding that would not stop. I was diagnosed with uterine fibroids. Medications did not stop the bleeding and I was leery to have an invasive procedure, so I tried acupuncture. With herbs and acupuncture, they stopped the bleeding within two weeks. Treatment over three months got rid of the fibroids. I will continue coming once a month to make sure I don’t develop any more fibroids in the future. The treatments also regulated my period! Extra bonus. I recommend Raleigh Acupuncture. I trust them.
These guys are great. 2 fibroids completely gone after a series of treatments. No more pain, no more bleeding, no side effects because no medications. I’m sold on acupuncture!
I came to Raleigh Acupuncture in desperation. My GYN told me I had three large fibroids in my uterus and abdomen. I knew there was something wrong because I was having abdominal pain all the time and always looked and felt bloated. She said that because of their size they would have to be surgically removed. I did not want surgery and also did not want the risk of needing a hysterectomy. I looked into medical options and read about acupuncture. My cousin had been to Raleigh Acupuncture and recommended them. So I tried it. All I can say is that the fibroids have now shrunk to the point where there is no longer discomfort and my GYN says there is no need to remove them surgically. It’s a bit of a mystery to me how they did it, but my acupuncture doctor says they treat this quite frequently with a high rate of success. Moving forward I will have my GYN keep track of any fibroids. If they return or new ones develop I will get them treated with acupuncture. I highly recommend this practice for the treatment of fibroids. I feel very lucky that I sought out this option before getting surgery.