At Raleigh Acupuncture, we use acupuncture and Chinese herbs as an alternative therapy for erectile dysfunction (ED). Many studies have investigated the effect and mechanism of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for treating ED. Several Chinese herbs exhibited satisfying outcomes. Erectile dysfunction research 2 indicates that TCM may improve erectile function by activating the NOS-cGMP pathway, increasing cAMP expression, elevating testosterone level, reducing Ca2+ concentration, down-regulating the TGFβ1 signaling pathway, or reducing oxidative stress.
ED affects about half of all men between the ages of 40 to 70 years in America, and the prevalence is similar in China. Oral PDE5-Is is the first-line therapy for ED. However, its effective rate is only 60–70%. Researchers are investigating different alternative and complementary therapies to increase the curative effect for ED, and traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) leads the way.
TCM believes the human body is a homeostatic system maintained by Yin-Yang balance. Yin and Yang are two opposite forces, understood from a Western perspective as anabolic and catabolic processes. According to TCM theory, disease results from the imbalance between the two forces over a period of time. The goal of treatment is to restore Yin Yang balance.
In TCM, bodily fluids and blood are generated and distributed by Qi, vital energy found within all living organisms. The interaction of Yin and Yang generates Qi, which flows through meridians in our body and nourishes the organs. Qi is also responsible for building the immune system and protecting the body from external pathogens.
Each organ has its own Qi that maintains its normal function. From the perspective of TCM, an organ is not an entity existing in isolation but a theoretical construct with specific roles. While organs in TCM share the same name as Western anatomical organs, they work differently. The ED acupuncture research described in this article examined the different nature of organs in TCM.
Kidney and Liver Importance in ED
The kidneys and liver are the two primary organs related to ED. Kidneys store essence, while the liver houses blood. The essence is responsible for growth, development, and reproduction. Also, it helps make blood and enhances immunity. The liver stores and modulates blood volume and maintains blood circulation. Sexual and reproductive functions are under the control of both the kidneys and liver.
Both essence and blood belong to Yin (instead of Yang), and the kidneys and liver have linked functions. The weakness of one organ typically leads to an imbalance in the other. Disease diagnosis in TCM requires identifying patterns of disharmony. Common ED imbalances include kidney yin deficiency, kidney yang deficiency, and liver Qi stagnation. The investigators in this ED acupuncture research emphasized that it was critical to understand the organs’ relationship for making an effective ED therapy plan.
Acupuncture Benefits for Treating ED
Acupuncture is an essential component of TCM used to treat a wide variety of diseases. Qi energy concentrates at acupuncture points, and activating Qi at these points influences organ function. Needling acupoints can bring more Qi to deficient organs or disperse excess energy where there is too much Qi accumulation, thereby maintaining homeostasis (balance) in our bodies. There is significant evidence from the National Institutes of Health and World Health Organization that acupuncture regulates the function of our endocrine, circulatory and nervous systems.
The Science Behind Acupuncture
Scientists now believe that acupuncture’s neurophysiological effects result from activation of the central nervous system and neurotransmitters. Regarding ED, acupuncture modulates the release of nitric oxide and neuropeptides involved in the process of erection. A 1997 study involved a randomized controlled study of 60 patients suffering from non-organic ED, where the patients were treated with acupuncture on the legs and abdomen for six weeks.
60% of the treatment group patients were satisfied with sexual activity after acupuncture therapy than 43% in the placebo group. Another study indicated that acupuncture was an effective treatment for psychogenic ED, where 68% of the patients in the treatment group showed a positive response, which was significantly higher than the placebo group.
Chinese Herbs and ED
Chinese herbal medicine is also effective for treating ED, applied individually or in compound formulas. Erectile dysfunction research 2 concludes that Chinese herbs alter the nitric oxide synthase pathway, cAMP, testosterone level, transforming growth factor pathway, oxidative stress, and intracellular calcium concentration. Some Chinese herbs improve ED through one path, while others involve several.
Potential Mechanism of Chinese Herbs In Treating ED
- Angelica sinensis: Enhances NOS activity
- Ligusticum chuanxiong: Increases cAMP and cGMP content
- Folium Ginkgo Bilobae: Increases nNOS expression and dopaminergic activity
- Common Cnidium Fruit: Increases NO release and inhibits phosphodiesterase
- Tribulus terrestris: Increases testosterone level
- Morinda officinalis: Increases testosterone level
- Herba Cistanche: Increases testosterone level
- Semen cuscutae: Increases testosterone level
- Ginseng: Reduces oxidative stress
- Lycium barbarum: Reduces oxidative stress
- Tetrandrine: Reduces intracellular Ca2+ concentration in corpus cavernosum
- Neferine: Reduces intracellular Ca2+ concentration in corpus cavernosum and increases cAMP content
- Kaempferia parviflora: Reduces intracellular Ca2+ concentration in corpus cavernosum and inhibits PDE5
- Panax Notoginseng: Reduces oxidative stress and increases eNOS expression
- Berberin: Increases eNOS expression and reduces oxidative stress
- Icariin: Inhibits PDE5, increases NOS expression, down-regulates TGFβ1/Smad2 pathway, and increases testosterone level
Chinese Herbal Compound Formulas
We prescribe most Chinese herbs as compound formulas following strict guidelines. A typical Chinese herbal formula consists of four essential elements playing different roles: “Monarch,” “Minister,” “Assistant,” and “Servant,” each of which may include one or several herbs. Combining herbs into formulas enhances the therapeutic effect and reduces the toxicity of single herbs. This erectile dysfunction research 2 cited several compound formulas to treat ED, including Shuganyiyang and Yidiyin.
Shuganyiyang is a formula composed of 15 Chinese herbs, which increase blood circulation, activate Yang, and replenish vital Kidney essence. Research indicates that Shuganyiyang improves pressure in arteriogenic ED in rats by activating the NOS-cGMP pathway and reducing the expression of PDE5.
Yidiyin, a Chinese herbal decoction used to treat diabetic ED, improves erectile function in diabetic patients and rats. A combination of Yidiyin and hypoglycemic drugs increases patient scores on the international index of erectile function more than hypoglycemic medications alone. Animal experiments indicated that the use of Yidiyin increased rats’ erectile function through activating NOS-cGMP pathways.
There are three additional formulas used to treat ED in clinical practice – Yougui, Xiaoyao, and Fufangxuanju. At Raleigh Acupuncture, we have used these formulas with good effect.
TCM is an effective treatment for ED. Numerous Chinese herbs and formulas are used for patients with ED in clinical practice and show satisfying outcomes. Results show that Chinese herbs can improve erectile function by activating NOS-NO-cGMP pathways, increasing cAMP expression, elevating testosterone levels, reducing intracellular Ca2+ concentrations, and relieving oxidative stress.
ED Acupuncture Research
This erectile dysfunction research 2 enhances our understanding of the mechanism and effect of Chinese herbs. To further clarify the effects and clinical application of Chinese herbs and herbal formulas, researchers need to conduct well-designed, randomized controlled studies. Also, acupuncture’s therapeutic effect on ED is still not fully understood, and more research is required to identify the most effective acupuncture protocols. All in all, TCM is a promising therapy for ED and merits further investigation.
Next Steps
We treat erectile dysfunction at Raleigh Acupuncture with acupuncture and Chinese herbs. When you come in, we conduct an intake exam, identify your underlying organ imbalances, and create a treatment plan that addresses your pattern. Treatments are safe, natural, and have no adverse effects. We have a greater than 60% success rate with our patients.
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Erectile Dysfunction Research 2 References
Li, H., Jiang, H., & Liu, J. (2017). Traditional Chinese medical therapy for erectile dysfunction. Translational andrology and urology, 6(2), 192–198.
What our Clients are Saying
I’m 56 years old, a recent new dad. So I was surprised when I started having trouble with ED. When I mentioned it to my acupuncturist he said it could be treated with acupuncture. I let him go at it. He asked if I was getting less sleep with the new baby. I said, like hardly no sleep for the past 12 months. He asked if my hair was getting grayer recently. I said, just look and see for yourself. He said my sudden ED was from the stress on my body from lack of sleep and still having to work my full time job, and all the other things associated with having a new baby. My 56 year old body was not cut out to take this on without giving me a little trouble!
So he treated me to make my kidneys stronger, and it really worked. My ED slowly improved over the next three months. I felt stronger too. I’m very grateful to Raleigh Acupuncture for helping me. I’m too young to deal with this.
I had just returned from a tour of duty in Afghanistan. When I got home I was not able to get an erection. I’m in my mid-thirties, happily married. This had never happened to me before. However, my last tour was hell, and I had been having nightmares. My wife suggested I try acupuncture. The doctor at Raleigh Acupuncture said my ED was caused by the stress of my last tour. He gave me three treatments and I was good as new. What a relief! And the nightmares stopped as well. I had no idea stress could have that effect on my body. Thank you for your professionalism and good work.