At Raleigh Acupuncture we treat many patients who struggle with food allergies and food sensitivities. Read on to learn about food allergy relief from acupuncture.
For some it is gluten. Others can’t eat grains, or dairy, or eggs. Still others are unable to tolerate meats or fruits. Some of these patients have been diagnosed with conditions like IBS, GERD, acid reflux or ulcers.
Another common diagnosis is chronic constipation, or it’s opposite, chronic diarrhea. Acupuncture treats all of these conditions by strengthening the digestive system. A strong stomach and intestines are able to tolerate foods better. And that leads to less discomfort and more energy.
So Many People Have Food Sensitivity
It seems like an epidemic. So many people are unable to tolerate foods that just a few years ago did not cause trouble. Growing up, no one was allergic to peanuts. And we never heard of gluten intolerance. Now it seems every other patient coming to our clinic is having digestive trouble.
The Centers for Disease Control & Prevention reports that food allergy in children has increased by 50 percent between 1997 and 2011. This alarming pattern is similar with adults.
Food Allergy Relief From Acupuncture
No one knows the reason for this exponential increase. Theories abound, books are being written pitching different solutions. Doctors of all backgrounds are calling themselves “functional medicine” practitioners, charging way too much money, testing blood, stool, allergies, all in hope of figuring out how to solve this frustrating puzzle.
That’s why it’s all the more amazing that a 2000 year old medicine, acupuncture, is the best treatment for food sensitivities. Our focus is to strengthen the stomach and intestines, so patients can eat foods again without so much trouble. Acupuncture treats the “root issue”. In this case, the root issue is a weakened digestive system.
Modern life is messing with our digestion, making it weaker, making it unable to digest the way it has for thousands of years. Whether it’s stress, pesticides, genetically modified foods or Wi-Fi, the solution we promote is restoring balance and strengthening the body. There is no way we are going to restore balance to the world. However, we can strengthen and balance our own bodies.
How Acupuncture Strengthens Digestion
It’s quite simple. Needling specific acupuncture points on the body boosts organ function. For example, ST36 is an acupuncture point on the leg just below the knee. It’s pronounced “Stomach Thirty-Six”. It’s one of the most powerful points the on the body for improving the stomach’s ability to digest food properly. A healthy stomach has less pain and generates more energy to the body.
Typically, a person with a weak stomach will have pain (bloating, reflux, gas, IBS) as well as low energy. Poor stomach function means their stomach is unable to generate energy from the food they eat. That’s why overweight people complain that they eat healthy but still can’t lose weight. And they are ALWAYS TIRED!
We talk about food allergy relief from acupuncture because by strengthening the stomach, acupuncture reduces food sensitivities. It simultaneously boosts energy and reduces pain. It is the original functional medicine, and it does not cost an arm and a leg. Come in for acupuncture, restore your health from the ground up, then go out into the world prepared for the battle we call life.
Armor Up With Acupuncture
If you struggle with food allergies, food sensitivities, stomach or intestinal pain, consider treating your condition with acupuncture. The stronger you are, the more in-balance your body, the less sensitive you will be. As you tolerate foods better, your energy level will increase and your pain and discomfort will decrease.
Next Steps
BOOK NOW to schedule an appointment online.
Food Sensitivity Relief With Chinese Herbs
We also use Chinese herbs to boost digestion. They work on the same principle of strengthening the stomach. Herbs are prescribed based on your specific needs. We have hundreds of different formulas that treat conditions ranging from bloating to stabbing stomach pain, nausea to constipation.
Explore food allergy relief from acupuncture. It’s safe, natural and effective. Results are long lasting, with no negative side effects. Acupuncture empowers your body to take care of itself, instead of depending on medications to manage symptoms.
What our Clients are Saying
I can’t express enough gratitude for the positive impact acupuncture has had on my life. For years, I struggled with debilitating gastroparesis symptoms that left me feeling trapped in a cycle of pain and discomfort. Traditional medical treatments provided limited relief, leaving me searching for alternative therapies. That’s when I discovered Raleigh Acupuncture. From my first session, I felt a significant relief. As I continued regular acupuncture sessions, I noticed a remarkable improvement in my gastroparesis symptoms. The chronic nausea, bloating, and stomach pain that once plagued me began to reduce, allowing me to reclaim control over my body and my life. Acupuncture not only provided relief from my symptoms but also helped me feel more balanced and relaxed. I had more energy and focus. Today, thanks to Raleigh Acupuncture, my life is fuller and more vibrant and my gastroparesis is completely manageable. I strongly recommend acupuncture to anyone struggling with similar challenges. It truly is a holistic healing medicine.
Thanks Mark for helping relieve my gastroparesis! The nausea, stomach pain, and reflux were driving me crazy. With your help and dedication I’m feeling so much better. Recommended!
I developed severe abdominal pain following the stomach flu. Three rounds of antibiotics did not help. Neither did an elimination diet. Raleigh Acupuncture got rid of the pain in six treatments! Acupuncture is amazing. And so are they.
I had a severe stomach flu six months ago with high fever for three days. Afterwards I had terrible constipation. I tried laxatives, but they only gave temporary relief. The pain was so bad that I started missing work. My wife’s sister had been to Raleigh Acupuncture for migraines and was very satisfied, and she suggested I call to see if they treat constipation. Not only were they able to treat me, they totally cleared up my condition in just two weeks. I am 100% better!
My IBS triggered diarrhea every day, all day long, but especially in the mornings. It would be triggered by the foods I ate, stress at work, or nothing at all. I was getting to the point where I was going to give up my job and try to find a job where I could work out of the house. As a last resort I went to Raleigh Acupuncture. I started seeing changes right away, less attacks in the morning, less triggers during the day. Over the duration of my treatments it seemed like my intestines were getting stronger and less sensitive. After about a month of treatment I was just having problems in the morning, going about three times. After about another month I was having normal bowel movements just once in the morning. As far as I can tell, my IBS is completely healed.
I’ve lived with chronic constipation my whole life. I averaged once every five days or so, and that was normal. As a result, I always felt bottled up. My brother convinced me to try acupuncture, as it helped him with his constipation. The doctor gave me pills which he said were all natural and had been around for thousands of years. He also did acupuncture. After about half a dozen treatments I was going to the bathroom every other day. It’s been a year since my treatments ended and I’m still regular. I feel great.
I came down with an unbelievable case of diarrhea that lasted more than four weeks. I was getting severely dehydrated and was exhausted. My doctor said there was nothing wrong with me, that it was probably due to stress. The only thing stressing me out was the diarrhea! I was really starting to get scared, thinking I had contracted some terrible disease. I went to acupuncture and they immediately said there was a problem with my stomach and intestines, but that it wasn’t dangerous and it was treatable. They treated me with acupuncture and a heat herb that warmed up my stomach. I felt better immediately, and within a few weeks the diarrhea was completely gone. I am very grateful to Raleigh Acupuncture for knowing what was wrong with me and treating my condition so quickly.
My husband Arthur and I have used Raleigh Acupuncture bi-weekly for at least 4 years, for a variety of treatments, including general well-being. Both of us felt our ailments healed with the treatment. I initially visited for Irritable Bowel Syndrome – and had immediate relief… the practitioners are very professional and learned, and we have every confidence in them. Even though we pay out of pocket, we obviously feel that the acupuncture is worth it. We both highly recommend Raleigh Acupuncture – you won’t regret it!
I have always had a nervous stomach. Some people get headaches, I get stomach aches. It’s always worse with stress and eases up on the weekends when I can relax. I did not think of getting treatment until I stumbled on an article saying how acupuncture was excellent for treating stomach pain. I went to Raleigh Acupuncture and described my condition. They explained why my stomach hurt. It totally made sense to me. It’s all about internal balance. So they went to work on me to get my stomach balanced. And I’m pleased to say that it worked. I no longer have a nervous stomach and stomach pain, even in stressful situations. I’ve made some changes to my diet, based on their recommendations, and took chinese herbs for a while, but don’t need to take them now. I’m convinced that I would have lived with stomach pain for the rest of my life had it not been for acupuncture.
I’m totally afraid of needles, but my wife convinced me to try acupuncture for my IBS. It was really hampering my life. I’d have to go to the bathroom 5 times before leaving for work. Then at work I’d be sitting in a meeting and all of a sudden have to go again. Any type of stress set me off. At first they could only use 2 needles, that’s all I would let them do. But after a few treatments I started relaxing and felt more comfortable with the needles. The effect has been amazing. I’m so much better now. Mornings are easy, no problems at work. It’s hard to believe, because I’ve had this for my entire adult life. Now I just go in for maintenance and have some herbs I take when I need them. Raleigh Acupuncture is a great outfit.
I still am forever in your debt for helping me through the Lymes recovery. My body pain and fatigue were overwhelming before getting acupuncture. I still tell everyone today that I am 100% positive that my recovery was a direct result of your expert care. Truly. I have very little residual effects from the disease that I can easily live with. So again,thank you not only for your amazing skills, but for the compassion and kindness that you showed me during that time.