Adrenal fatigue is a condition that occurs when the adrenal glands are not functioning correctly. Triggered by prolonged stress, it can also arise after severe illness or trauma. The main symptom is fatigue that is not relieved by sleep. It is also common to feel “unwell” and depressed. Watch this video and read about the Raleigh Acupuncture adrenal fatigue treatment.
Raleigh Acupuncture Adrenal Fatigue Treatment
How It Works
Chinese medicine recognizes adrenal fatigue as a deficiency in the kidneys. Working too hard and having too much stress in your life will deplete the Chinese kidney function. This condition typically happens when you burn the candle at both ends. Our bodies can handle this for short periods. But over time, it damages the kidneys.
The acupuncture treatment focuses on boosting kidney function. Effective acupuncture points for treating adrenal fatigue are located on the legs, arms, and torso.
Acupuncture treatment for adrenal fatigue works well. These acupuncture points have been used for thousands of years to boost kidney function. Our treatment includes Chinese herbal medicine (when appropriate), gentle exercise suggestions, and nutrition counseling. After a few treatments, you will begin feeling the benefits of acupuncture and feel your health returning.
What To Expect
When you come to acupuncture suffering from adrenal fatigue, we first conduct an intake exam to determine your Chinese medical pattern imbalance. Adrenal fatigue is a Western diagnosis. We need to view your condition through the lens of Chinese medicine. We do this by asking a series of questions about your symptoms and bodily functions, looking at your tongue, and feeling your pulse.
Chinese medicine views disease as an imbalance at the organ level. For example, people with adrenal fatigue can present with Kidney qi deficiency, Heart yin deficiency, or Liver Qi stagnation. Therefore, your intake gives us essential information to identify your specific pattern imbalance and create an accurate Chinese medicine diagnosis.
Armed with a diagnosis, we create an acupuncture treatment plan. We determine the best acupoints to boost your kidney function and resolve any other imbalances. Everyone’s diagnosis is unique. Therefore, your acupuncture treatment will be custom-designed for you, providing just what you need from your acupuncture treatment to reclaim your health.
Following a course of treatment, more vital kidney function will translate to better health and fewer adverse symptoms. Again, you will feel the difference. Furthermore, the benefits you receive from these treatments will be long-lasting.
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To learn about all the conditions we treat with acupuncture.
Watch Video About Our Adrenal Fatigue Treatment.
More Acupuncture Resources on Adrenal Fatigue

What our Clients are Saying
Raleigh Acupuncture cured my adrenal fatigue! I thought I was stuck with it for the rest of my life. I had to quit my job and was depressed. A friend took me to see Jade. She is amazing. I feel so much better. I’m back at work and happy again. Thank you Jade and Raleigh Acupuncture.
Two years ago all of a sudden I lost my energy, motivation and health. One day I was fine, the next I was sick. After a number of doctor visits and lots of research I learned that I had adrenal fatigue. My condition was not improving. I kept trying different things. Finally I literally stumbled into Raleigh Acupuncture. Jade is amazing. She totally understood what was happening to me and what needed to be done to restore my health. I’ve been going to her for the past six months and I am happy to say that my health has returned. I don’t know what I would have done without her. It felt like my life was over. Now I feel alive again!!
I am a long term patient of Raleigh Acupuncture. Prior to being under their care, I was disabled with terrible fatigue and pain all over my body. I was unable to drive, could only walk less than a block, and had numerous symptoms that mystified doctors. After countless lab work, x-rays, and MRI’s, several doctors including my primary physician told me that there was nothing that could be done. According to them, it was either an illness that was undiagnosable or it was all in my head. When I came to Raleigh Acupuncture, it was a breath of fresh air. They took me very seriously and were not mystified by my condition. They assured me that my condition was treatable and manageable. They treat me with respect, dignity and care; something that I didn’t receive at my primary care doctor. Thanks to their treatments I am now living a normal life. They have restored my health and taught me how to manage my condition. My family and friends can’t believe how much improvement I have made. My son is grateful to have his mommy back! And I am eternally grateful to Raleigh Acupuncture! They truly have the gift of healing!