Acupuncture effectively treats alopecia areata, a condition of hair loss in circular patches on the scalp. The Raleigh Acupuncture alopecia areata treatment is safe, natural, and delivers long-term relief.
What Is Alopecia Areata?
Alopecia areata is a common form of hair loss where one or more circular bald patches appear on the scalp. Alopecia areata is an autoimmune condition where the immune system attacks hair follicles. While not well known to the public, alopecia areata is relatively common, affecting more than 200,000 Americans each year.
Raleigh Acupuncture Alopecia Areata Treatment
We use a three-prong approach to treating alopecia areata. First, we treat the underlying autoimmune disease. As with all autoimmune conditions, the body is attacking itself and causing harm in the process. Acupuncture calms the immune system by strengthening Spleen Qi and Blood, Smoothing Liver Qi, and Nourishing the Kidneys. This organ-based treatment slows the progression of the disease, easing symptoms.
Second, we treat the bald patches locally with tiny single-use, sterile needles to stimulate hair growth on the scalp. The effect is powerful, and patients will start to see new hair growth after the second or third treatment. Unlike male pattern baldness, the scalp of patients with alopecia is still capable of growing hair – the condition has just damaged the follicles. This local acupuncture treatment restores balance to the damaged follicles, enabling them to function normally again.
Third, we utilize acupuncture and Chinese herbs to nourish and build blood. Chinese medicine recognizes blood as a vital source of nourishment for hair. By building blood, our treatment strengthens the patient’s ability to grow new hair and enhance the hair that they already have. There are acupuncture points on the body to build and invigorate blood and Chinese herbs that build blood specifically to promote hair growth and improve hair quality.
Safe & Natural
There are no adverse side effects to the Raleigh Acupuncture alopecia areata treatment. Patients start seeing results as early as their second treatment. We typically treat patients once a week, and the session lasts an hour. Treatments are relaxing – many of our patients fall asleep during their sessions.
Alopecia Areata Case Study
Last year a mom brought her eleven-year-old daughter to our clinic complaining of three bald patches on the back of her scalp. Her doctor had no treatment for the condition, and mom was nervous that it would spread to more places on her daughter’s head.
We explained the treatment to this young girl, and she agreed to give acupuncture a try. She lay face down on the treatment table, where we treated her both locally on the scalp and also at the organ level to promote blood circulation to the hair. After four treatments, the bald patches were starting to fill in.
Unfortunately, treatment had to stop at that point due to the pandemic. But six months later, mother and daughter came to the clinic for a follow-up. The three patches had completely filled in with new hair growth. All she needed were those initial four treatments!
We often see in our clinic that young people respond exceptionally well to acupuncture. Youth have abundant qi (energy) and blood, the foundation for all healing.
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