The Center for Disease Control defines Chronic Fatigue Syndrome as “a debilitating and complex disorder characterized by profound fatigue that is not improved by bed rest and that may be worsened by physical or mental activity.” Unfortunately, the condition is often missed or misdiagnosed. We have had success treating chronic fatigue with acupuncture. This page describes the Raleigh Acupuncture chronic fatigue treatment and provides additional research and cases studies.
Raleigh Acupuncture Chronic Fatigue Treatment
Watch this video to learn about our treatment.
How We Treat Chronic Fatigue
Chinese medicine understands chronic fatigue syndrome as extreme weakness of the spleen and kidney. This description is not referring to your actual organs but your Chinese medicine version of them – a medicine dating back thousands of years old. We talk about organ disharmony as a way of understanding disease. When you hear “spleen,” think stomach function, as the spleen directs metabolism in Chinese medicine.
Spleen and Kidney Deficiency
Mild spleen and kidney weakness will cause fatigue, but not exhaustion. In addition, it can lead to weight gain because the body is not efficiently metabolizing food. A weak stomach converts food into fat, not energy – the exact opposite of what we want. Generating less energy from the food you eat, you feel sluggish but still able to function. A good night’s sleep goes a long way to helping someone manage this type of mild deficiency.
Severe spleen and kidney weakness, as seen in patients with adrenal fatigue, is a whole different matter. Barely any of the food they eat is metabolized into energy. At this point, sleep is unable to restore health. And activities of daily life become more and more challenging to perform. At this point, organ deficiency is so severe that their bodies can no longer heal themselves, and patients become weaker and weaker.
Acupuncture and Chronic Fatigue
Acupuncture can help reverse the adverse effects of chronic fatigue syndrome by strengthening organ function. Specific acupoints strengthen the spleen, nourish the kidneys, smooth liver function, and nourish the lungs and heart. The primary treatment strategy is to boost the digestive system enabling it to generate energy again. The Raleigh Acupuncture chronic fatigue treatment systematically restores organ health, allowing you to heal in the process.
What To Expect
When you come in for treatment, we conduct a comprehensive intake exam. The information we collect helps us make an accurate Chinese medicine diagnosis for your condition. First, we need to identify the specific organ imbalances responsible for your chronic fatigue. While most cases involve the spleen and kidney, we make sure to include all factors involved in your case.
From here, we develop a custom treatment plan to restore your health. You receive a complete treatment on your first visit. We want to get you started on the road to health right away.
All needles are sterile, single-use, hair-thin – you will hardly feel them. And the treatments are relaxing. Many of our patients fall asleep during their sessions. Afterward, you feel relaxed and rejuvenated. And while you are resting, during your session, acupuncture is healing your internal organs.
Next Steps
BOOK NOW to schedule an appointment online.
Watch Video About The Raleigh Acupuncture Chronic Fatigue Treatment.
Learn about all the conditions we treat.
Additional Resources
First Chronic Fatigue Acupuncture Research Study.
Second Chronic Fatigue Research Study.
Chronic Fatigue Acupuncture Case Study.
What our Clients are Saying
About six months ago I starting getting debilitating fatigue, to the point where I could not exercise and had to drag myself through the day at work. The doctors said it must be stress, because there was nothing wrong with me. But when I went to Raleigh Acupuncture, they said that my digestion was weak. They said I was not getting proper energy from the food I was eating, so they treated my digestive system. I was amazed to see my energy increase after the treatments. Within 10 treatments I was back to my old self, exercising again and working through the day no problem. And as a side benefit, I started losing weight. They said this was related to my improved digestive function. Now my friends want to go because they see my energy back and see me losing weight!
I am a long term patient of Raleigh Acupuncture. Prior to being under their care, I was disabled with terrible fatigue and pain all over my body. I was unable to drive, could only walk less than a block, and had numerous symptoms that mystified doctors. After countless lab work, x-rays, and MRI’s, several doctors including my primary physician told me that there was nothing that could be done. According to them, it was either an illness that was undiagnosable or it was all in my head. When I came to Raleigh Acupuncture, it was a breath of fresh air. They took me very seriously and were not mystified by my condition. They assured me that my condition was treatable and manageable. They treat me with respect, dignity and care; something that I didn’t receive at my primary care doctor. Thanks to their treatments I am now living a normal life. They have restored my health and taught me how to manage my condition. My family and friends can’t believe how much improvement I have made. My son is grateful to have his mommy back! And I am eternally grateful to Raleigh Acupuncture! They truly have the gift of healing!