Are your hands and feet always cold? Have you been diagnosed with Raynaud’s? If either of these is true, acupuncture can help. To keep our hands and feet warm, we need good blood circulation to the extremities. Unfortunately, many health conditions impede blood flow, leading to cold hands and feet. The Raleigh Acupuncture Cold Hands/Feet Treatment is a safe, natural method for improving blood circulation to the extremities.
Raleigh Acupuncture Cold Hands / Raynaud’s Treatment
Watch this video to learn more about our treatment.
Western Medicine Treatment for Raynaud’s
Physicians often prescribe Calcium channel blockers, which relax and open small blood vessels in the hands and feet. For some with Raynaud’s, this decreases the frequency and severity of attacks. These drugs can also help heal skin ulcers on the fingers or toes.
However, side effects from channel blockers can include constipation, dizziness, heart palpitations, drowsiness, leg and foot swelling, headaches, rashes, increased appetite, bleeding gums, and nausea.
Acupuncture Treatment for Raynaud’s
Acupuncture increases blood circulation to the hands and feet, and it does so naturally, with no side effects. In addition, acupuncture empowers your body to sustain better circulation on its own. The difference is striking – while Western treatment requires you to stay on the medications forever, acupuncture trains your body to do the job itself.
Qi Deficiency
Chinese medicine works with the concept of Qi (energy). When the Qi flows appropriately in the body, we have good health. However, two problems can arise with Qi that causes health issues. The first is weak Qi. The second is stuck Qi. Cold hands and feet occur when Qi is either deficient or stagnant.
Our body generates Qi from the food we eat and the air we breathe. If our digestion is inefficient or our respiration is weak, we can become Qi deficient. Since Qi is responsible for blood circulation, deficient Qi can lead to cold hands and feet.
Qi Stagnation
Stuck Qi (Qi stagnation) commonly occurs when the body is stressed physically or emotionally. Qi needs to flow smoothly through the body to nourish the organs, muscles, tendons, and ligaments. Good blood circulation is dependent on good Qi circulation. That’s why Qi stagnation is a common cause of cold hands and feet.
What To Expect
When you come to Raleigh Acupuncture seeking help with Raynaud’s or cold hands and feet, we first determine the root cause of your condition. Is it Qi deficiency? If not, is there Qi stagnation? It may be a combination of the two or something completely different. Our intake exam will help us determine your Chinese medicine diagnosis.
Once we know the source of your condition, we create a treatment plan to address it. On your first visit, we will give you a complete acupuncture treatment. All needles are sterile, single-use, hair-thin. You will hardly feel them. The treatments themselves are relaxing – many of our patients fall asleep during the sessions. You will wake feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.
Treatment Duration
You will start seeing a difference in your hands and feet after the first few sessions. Total treatment time for this condition varies from patient to patient. But the average time is 4 to 8 treatments to restore good circulation to your hands and feet.
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Additional Resources
Cold Hands Acupuncture Case Study.