The Raleigh Acupuncture PMS treatment relieves cramping, bloating, breast tenderness, irritability, migraines, bowel irregularity, and depression associated with premenstrual syndrome.
Raleigh Acupuncture PMS Treatment
Watch this short video to learn about our treatment.
Acupuncture Relieves PMS
The symptoms associated with PSM come from an internal imbalance called Liver Qi Stagnation. As a woman approaches her period, internal changes occur. For example, progesterone levels, which had been high, begin to drop quickly. As a result, disruption occurs in the normal flow of Qi in the days leading up to the period. Qi stagnation triggers the classic symptoms of PMS.
Acupuncture counteracts Qi stagnation, restoring normal energy circulation at the end of the menstrual cycle. Not only that, it strengthens the body to avoid Qi stagnation in the future. This ability to simultaneously fix and prevent a health problem is a unique attribute of Chinese medicine. As a result, acupuncture resolves pain while empowering the body to heal itself in the future.
Your First Acupuncture Visit
When you arrive for your first Raleigh Acupuncture PMS treatment, we conduct an intake exam, including asking about your PMS and its related symptoms. We also look at your tongue and feel your pulse. These last two evaluation tools are essential in determining your Chinese medicine diagnosis. The tongue and pulse reveal vast amounts of information about the body’s inner workings, from organ function to Qi and blood circulation.
Next, we create a treatment plan and select acupuncture points to resolve the internal imbalances responsible for your PMS. Finally, you receive a complete treatment that same visit. We want you to start benefitting from acupuncture as soon as possible.
All needles are sterile, single-use, and hair-thin. They are so small you will hardly feel them. The treatments are relaxing – many of our patients fall asleep during their sessions. Afterward, you will feel refreshed and rejuvenated. While you rest, acupuncture corrects imbalances at the root level. You are on your way to resolving PMS.
Recent Premenstrual Syndrome Case
A 28-year-old woman came to our clinic with the main complaint of severe PMS. Every month for five days preceding her period, she had debilitating cramping, breast tenderness, abdominal bloating, urgent loose stools, irritability, mood swings, and depression. She was hoping the Raleigh Acupuncture PMS treatment could give her some relief.
Our patient’s pulse was thin and wiry, and her tongue was pink with rough edges. Her Chinese medicine diagnosis was PMS due to Liver Qi Stagnation and Spleen Qi Deficiency. Her treatment included acupoints LV3, SP6, PC6, SP4, ST36, CV4, CV6, CV17, and Yintang. In addition, we prescribed the Chinese herbal formula Xiao Yao Pian.
We treated her once a week for four weeks, and her PMS symptoms decreased by 30 percent. After another four treatments, her premenstrual symptoms were 80 percent improved. Acupuncture and herbs restored normal liver and spleen function, and she felt the benefits. These improvements were long-lasting – a six month check-in revealed that she was still feeling great.
Next Steps
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Video – Raleigh Acupuncture PMS Treatment.
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Acupuncture Research and Case Studies
PMS Acupuncture Research Study.
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What our Clients are Saying
Raleigh Acupuncture is absolutely the best acupuncture clinic I’ve ever been to. Jade and Mark are amazing practitioners, caring, professional and wise. They resolved my PMS and painful periods. Now my entire family goes to them for care. I love acupuncture and I love them!!
I had the world’s worst PMS. Raleigh Acupuncture cured it. It took three months, but it was worth it. Now — no pain, no bloating, I don’t feel like I’m losing my mind every month. What a relief. Thank you Raleigh Acupuncture!!