What should you do to prepare for your acupuncture session? New patients ask us this question all the time. Most importantly, know that acupuncture meets you where you are. The practitioner will base their treatment on your Chinese medicine pattern diagnosis, which includes the assessment of your tongue and pulse. Your job is to lie back, relax, and receive the healing. Many of our patients fall asleep during their sessions. Others spend the time enjoying the deep, meditative, restorative effects of acupuncture.
In order to maximize the benefits of your acupuncture session, follow these guidelines:
Tongue and Pulse Diagnosis
We look at the tongue to diagnose your condition, so do not brush your tongue the morning of your treatment. Do not eat or drink colorful food/liquid beforehand.
Don’t Be Hungry
During your acupuncture session, we access your body’s own healing energy to treat your condition. Please come to your appointment neither too hungry nor too full. That way, your stomach will not be longing for food or busy digesting.
Afterward, Eat and Drink with Moderation
After acupuncture treatment, feel free to eat and drink, but with moderation. To maximize results, your Qi energy needs to stay in the channels that we have worked on. Eating or drinking too much will divert this energy from the channels to your stomach.
Loose Fitting Closing
If possible, wear a loose fitting two piece outfit. Loose fitting clothing allows energy to circulate freely in the channels. No worries if you come straight from work – we provide towels for privacy if you need to undress.
No Makeup
Please remove all makeup from your face. We observe your facial color and skin tone to accurately diagnose your condition.
Clean Hands and Feet
Please wash or wipe clean your hands, feet and sweaty areas on your body before your acupuncture session to fully allow the cleansing energy of acupuncture to enter your body.
Close Your Eyes and Relax
Try not to read or watch electronic devices during your treatment. Quieting the mind is the best way for your energy to work appropriately with the needles to get the best results. That being said, if you tend to be fidgety, feel free to use your phone to read or listen to meditations.
Do Your Homework Between Sessions
We will give you suggestions on what to do at home. Follow these instructions to get the best results. Acupuncture and Chinese medicine are natural healing systems that integrate with a person’s lifestyle. If the lifestyle fits in the natural balance, the results will be excellent.
Be Patient
For chronic, severe conditions please give the treatments time. The condition took a long time to develop, therefore the reverse is true–healing of the condition will take a while.
Leave Your Phone in the Car
Please leave your electronic devices in your car or turn them off before entering into our clinic. The electronic waves are toxic to the body and mind. Try to shut these device off as often as you can in your daily life as well.
Quiet Please – Sessions in Progress
Please do not take phone calls in the waiting room or treatment room. If you must take a call, please step outside so other patients are not disturbed.
Stay Home If You’re Sick
Please stay home if you have a cold, infection, or stomach virus that can easily spread to other people. We treat immune-compromised and elderly patients who can not afford to get sick. This way, you feel safe as well.
Prepare To Be Amazed
Many of our patients come to acupuncture as a last resort after trying everything else. When the treatments work, it feels like magic. What you are experiencing is your body’s healing capacity kicking into gear. Acupuncture activates this innate healing capacity. Your practitioner will conduct an intake exam, ask details about your condition, look at your tongue, and feel your pulse. This information helps them determine your Chinese medicine pattern diagnosis. From there, they create a treatment plan to help restore balance to your body and resolve your underlying condition. As you heal, your symptoms will resolve.
Your Acupuncture Session
Your acupuncture session is designed specifically for you. Once you start working with a practitioner, stick with them. They will devote the time and energy to understand your case and carry out the treatment plan to restore your health. Jumping from one practitioner to another is not recommended, as it disrupts the flow of your healing. If you can’t find a time in the schedule, click “Priority List” (our waiting list) and we will work you in when we get cancellations. We look forward to working with you!
Next Steps
Book Your Acupuncture Session Now – Click here to schedule an appointment online.
Meet the Practitioners (Video).
Learn about all the conditions we treat.
Focus Keyphrase: Your Acupuncture Session
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