Asthma is a chronic condition suffered by 25 million Americans. That’s 1 in 13 people! Symptoms can include difficulty breathing, wheezing, shortness of breath, frequent respiratory infections, mouth breathing, coughing at night and during exercise. Asthma patients also commonly feel chest pressure, rapid heart rate, throat irritation, and anxiety. Acupuncture improves asthma best by strengthening the lungs at the root level, improving the patient’s overall ability to breathe.
While anti-inflammatory drugs are often necessary for asthma patients, acupuncture and Chinese herbs can dramatically reduce the patient’s reliance on the medications in terms of frequency of use, amount taken, and dosage. In some cases, they can stop taking corticosteroids altogether.
How Acupuncture Reduces Asthma
Chinese medicine explains asthma as a failure of the lungs and kidneys to work in unity. The lungs inhale air, while the kidneys draw that air deep into our bodies. Not surprisingly, most asthma patients have deficiencies with both their lungs and kidneys from a Chinese medicine perspective.
Kidney deficiency does not indicate that asthma patients have kidney disease. When we discuss organs in terms of acupuncture, we mean organ function as described and explained in Chinese medicine’s ancient literature. The kidneys provide essential health elements in the human body and are integral for many parts, including breathing.
Our intake exam reviews the patient’s symptoms and other functions, including digestion, sleep, pain, and mood. We also examine the pulse and tongue, which provide extensive feedback about the body’s organ function. Armed with this information, we establish a pattern diagnosis for the asthma patient. Five asthma patients may have five different pattern diagnoses, depending on their particular presentation.
Acupuncture Improves Asthma Best
While most asthma patients will have a primary lung/kidney imbalance, each will have slightly different needs. One asthma patient will have shortness of breath with wheezing, while another will have recurrent bronchial infections with fatigue and anxiety. Their acupuncture treatments will reflect their particular needs, the goal always being to bring their bodies back into balance.
Most of our asthma patients will start feeling better after just a few treatments. Our bodies have an incredible capacity to heal given the right support. Acupuncture improves asthma best because it strengthens your body and enables it to heal itself. This approach delivers fast, long-lasting relief.
Next Steps
Treatments are entirely safe – all needles are sterile, single-use, and hair-thin. You will hardly feel them. And sessions are relaxing – many of our patients at Raleigh Acupuncture fall asleep during their sessions.
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Acupuncture improves asthma best. Come in for a treatment and experience the power of acupuncture for yourself!
What our Clients are Saying
My treatments for asthma at Raleigh Acupuncture were successful. I’ve had asthma my whole life. It was typically triggered when I played sports or physically exerted myself. I was using an inhaler (Advair) for years, but wanted to try acupuncture to see if I could stop using it.
My research on acupuncture treating asthma showed mixed results, but the doctor at the acupuncture office encouraged me to try their treatment. I received 12 treatments total. After the first six treatments I was noticing a positive difference. I didn’t have to use my inhaler as often. After the 12 visits I was needing the inhaler even less frequently.
I can tell that my lungs are stronger now. I get less winded, wheeze much less frequently, and have more stamina. I will continue the acupuncture on a maintenance basis to keep up the benefits. I recommend them for treating asthma.