80 is the new 60. And living to 100 is within reach of all of us. But it won’t happen without planning. To live a long and healthy life, you need to maintain your mind and body. Acupuncture improves vitality and optimizes health so you can live long and prosper.
Acupuncture Improves Vitality
To feel vibrant and look great at 60, 70 and 80, two essential things are required. The first is a good pair of Kidneys. The second is strong blood circulation. In Chinese medicine, Kidneys control the aging process. Acupuncture naturally boosts Kidney function, allowing you to maximize these vital organs. When you see an 80-year-old who looks 60, I can guarantee that their constitutional Kidney function is above average. You can still achieve goods results with average or below average Kidney function. All you need is acupuncture to help nourish your kidneys.
For thousands of years, the Chinese have practiced acupuncture to reverse the aging process and maintain vitality. One of the keys to this process is keeping Kidney function strong. There are specific acupuncture points on the body to boost Kidney function, allowing the Kidneys to provide increased vitality and reverse aging benefits. You need to start this process now to maximize the potential benefit.
From a Western anatomical perspective, we think of kidneys as a filter to remove wastes and extra fluid from our bodies. But they do so much more. The kidneys are essential for clear thinking, good memory, strong bones and a robust immune system. Kidneys help us stay vibrant as we age. And the older we get, the more vital to take care of them.
Invigorate That Blood
The second key to increased vitality, as we get older, is keeping our blood circulating properly. Blood circulation naturally declines as we age. You can see this by watching how seniors move. They move slower – a lot slower. Their metabolism slows down, walking slows down, even their speech and mental processes slow down. The big reason for this is that their blood circulation loses its momentum.
Poor blood circulation causes increased pain levels, wrinkled skin, eye problems, concentration problems, lack of mobility, muscle atrophy, and loss of sexual function. The list goes on. But the antidote to these ills is simple. Acupuncture improves vitality. Keep your blood circulation strong, and you will keep your health and vitality strong.
Acupuncture is the best way to keep your blood circulation healthy. Similar to our discussion of the Kidneys, there are acupuncture points specifically designed to keep the blood moving. We call them blood invigorating points. By keeping your blood circulating properly, you resolve one of the biggest causes of the aging process.
Don’t Forget About Herbs
Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine go hand in hand. When we treat patients for increased vitality, we often use a combination of acupuncture and herbs. Herbal formulas are custom-designed to fit your exact pattern, your specific needs. Three people with Kidney deficiency will receive three distinct formulas, based on their unique presentation. It’s just like acupuncture. No two treatments are the same. Each is custom-designed based on what is required to address your situation.
Chinese herbs are safe. They don’t interact with Western medications and have no adverse side effects. Kidney tonics gently improve kidney function, while blood nourishing herbs build and invigorate circulation throughout the body. Acupuncture improves vitality, and so do Chinese herbs.
What You Can Do
We are living longer than ever before. So we have an obligation to take better care of ourselves. Acupuncture is essential to make sure you live longer and live with vibrancy, excellent health, and little pain. Make acupuncture a regular part of your health plan today. You can book an appointment online right from our website.
BOOK NOW to schedule an appointment online.
Feel Younger With Acupuncture
Keep active and vibrant as you get older. Make acupuncture a part of your health regime. It’s natural, relaxing, and refreshing. Acupuncture improves vitality second to none.

What our Clients are Saying
I’m 88 years old and still ride my bike around Raleigh, take exercise classes, and swim. I’ve done acupuncture for years. I believe it helps me stay young. Raleigh Acupuncture is a good practice. They’re well trained and work hard at what they do. I’ve tried to get my bridge friends to try it, but they’re all chicken. Their loss.
Great practice! I get a tune-up every month and keeps me feeling younger (I’m 75). Wish Medicare covered, but it’s still worth it.
I’m 62 and have always been active. I ran marathons until two years ago, when I just didn’t have the stamina any longer. I know they say you have to adjust as you get older, but I was not ready to do that. So I tried acupuncture to see if it would help in this area. Not only did I increase energy, but my stamina increased and I felt stronger. I trained for and ran another marathon and felt like I did ten years ago. My time wasn’t faster, but my body handled the stress of the race much better. I recommend this practice for athletes as they get older.