The Raleigh Acupuncture Multiple Sclerosis treatment reduces the symptoms of MS and improves quality of life. The treatments are safe, natural, and provide long-lasting relief.
Raleigh Acupuncture Multiple Sclerosis Treatment
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Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms
Multiple sclerosis causes many symptoms, including vision loss, pain, fatigue, and impaired coordination. The symptoms, severity, and duration vary from person to person. Some people may be symptom-free most of their lives, while others can have severe chronic symptoms that never go away.
Acupuncture Relieves Multiple Sclerosis
We address the root causes responsible for the host of symptoms that can affect people with multiple sclerosis. After taking a medical history, asking about symptoms, examining your tongue, and feeling your pulse, we make a differential diagnosis.
We then create a treatment plan to address the imbalances responsible for your symptoms. Once corrected, pain levels decrease, energy improves, gait issues lessen, and flares reduce.
Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune disease caused by the body’s immune system overacting on the myelin sheaths of neuron cells. This damage leads to the misfiring of nerves, causing difficulty with balance, walking, and motor function.
The Raleigh Acupuncture multiple sclerosis treatment calms and heals nerves, including the nerves adversely affected by MS. In addition, acupuncture quiets an overactive immune system, helping restore balance and reduce inflammation. While acupuncture is not a cure, it can reduce MS symptoms significantly. And unlike pain medications, acupuncture’s benefits last.
Acupuncture Treatment for MS
When you come for your first appointment, we conduct an intake exam, ask about your symptoms, look at your tongue and feel your pulse. Tongue and pulse give us essential information about the state of your internal organs. Armed with this information, we determine your Chinese medicine pattern diagnosis, which allows us to create a specific acupuncture treatment plan.
You receive a complete treatment on your first visit. All needles are sterile, single-use, and hair-thin. The treatments are relaxing – many of our patients fall asleep during their sessions. Afterward, you will feel refreshed and rejuvenated.
Recent Multiple Sclerosis Case
A 67-year-old man came to our clinic struggling with gait and balance issues related to his MS. He had been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis twenty years earlier, but it had always been mild. However, he had developed more adverse symptoms over the past two years.
In addition to gait and balance issues, his intake exam revealed symptoms of dizziness, low back pain, tinnitus, a red tongue, and a thin, rapid pulse. These symptoms pointed to a Chinese medicine pattern diagnosis of liver blood and kidney yin deficiency.
Treatment included acupoints KD6, SP6, LV8, LI11, TW17, and GV20. In addition, we prescribed the herbal formula Zuo Gui Wan. After receiving four treatments, spaced one week apart, his gait improved 30 percent. Following his sixth treatment, all symptoms were approximately 50 percent better. We continued treatment every other week for another six sessions, at which time he was 70 percent better.
Next Steps
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Research and Case Studies
MS Acupuncture Research Study.
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What our Clients are Saying
Raleigh Acupuncture has helped me a great deal managing my MS. Since I began treatment my pain has decreased by 80%, my balance has improved and my mental fog lifted. I am so grateful for their expertise in treating this condition. I recommend them to anyone with MS.