The Raleigh Acupuncture muscle cramps treatment relieves the calves, feet, neck, low back, hips, hamstring, forearms, and even fingers.
Raleigh Acupuncture Muscle Cramps Treatment
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Acupuncture Relieves Muscle Cramps
Acupuncture works best for resolving muscle cramps because Chinese medicine understands how the body works. Channels (a.k.a. meridians) run through the body parallel to blood vessels and nerves. Cramps ease by promoting energy (Qi) flow through the meridians.
Let’s say you have calf cramps. They happen at night and wake you with severe pain. You need to get up and walk them off, sometimes for 15 or 20 minutes. Acupuncture resolves these cramps by opening the blocked channel (Bladder meridian) that passes through the center of the calf.
The Raleigh Acupuncture muscle cramp treatment restores Qi flow. And when it does, cramps and muscle tension are resolved. The same holds for cramps anywhere on the body. The channel may be different, but the treatment principle remains the same.
What To Expect
First, we identify the channels involved. Next, we select the appropriate points. Then we perform acupuncture. All needles are sterile, single-use, and hair-thin. Treatments are safe and relaxing. Many of our patients fall asleep during their sessions.
During treatment, acupuncture gently opens blocked channels and increases blood circulation. This combination of boosting Qi and blood is essential when resolving muscle cramps.
Recent Muscle Cramp Case
A 63-year-old woman came to our clinic in severe pain from muscle cramps in her hamstrings and calves. She was an avid pickleball player and was currently unable to compete due to her injuries. Stretching did not help, and the pain kept her up at night.
Upon examination, we discovered that her hip muscles were extremely tight, particularly her gluts. The cramping was occurring along the Bladder channel in the back of her legs and hips. Accordingly, we selected acupoints on the Bladder meridian, including BL36, BL37, BL38, BL57, and BL58. In addition, we treated her glut and piriformis muscles in both hips.
She responded well to treatment – after her first session, pain levels decreased by 40 percent. In addition, she slept through the night and was able to stretch more effectively. After her third treatment, she was pain-free and back playing pickleball. Over the past few years, she has returned to the clinic when new pains arise, and she always responds favorably to acupuncture.
Next Steps
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Research and Case Studies
Muscle Cramps Acupuncture Research Study.
Muscle Cramps Acupuncture Case Study.
What our Clients are Saying
I am a writer and I write the old fashioned way, by hand! A few years ago I started getting severe cramps in my hand. I knew it was from the writing, but didn’t want to change to a computer. So I tried a variety of therapies, none of which worked until I arrived at Raleigh Acupuncture. Their treatment was so good, and they were so awesome, that I’ve made them a part of my life. From hand cramps I moved on to them helping me with insomnia and chronic low back issues. It’s been a great experience!
I had terrible calf and foot cramps and used quinine. But it got so hard to get in the past few years. So I tried acupuncture. Raleigh Acupuncture truly helped. I recommend them for calf and foot cramps.