The Raleigh Acupuncture restless leg syndrome treatment reduces agitation and nerve pain in the legs and improves sleep. In addition, acupuncture enhances the effects of Western medications, improving patient responses to Trazadone.
Raleigh Acupuncture Restless Leg Syndrome Treatment
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What is RLS?
Restless leg syndrome (RLS) is a condition a person’s legs feel agitated when they are not moving. The symptoms are worse at night when lying in bed. RLS is debilitating, making it nearly impossible to relax or sleep. Medications are available, but they are often ineffective and can have adverse side effects.
Acupuncture Relieves RLS
Acupuncture treats RLS in two ways. First, it opens the channels of the legs to improve Qi and blood circulation. Opening the channels also calms the nerves in the legs. Second, acupuncture identifies and restores balance to the internal organs. Organ imbalance can trigger RLS. Once corrected, the legs will not feel as jittery.
Acupuncture Opens Blocked Channels
There are Qi (energy) pathways running throughout our bodies. They are similar to nerve pathways and often run parallel to the nerves. But they are distinct from nerves. Think of channels as roads enabling Qi to flow through the body. Qi keeps us alive. It is responsible for circulating the blood and nourishing the organs.
When channels are blocked, Qi cannot flow. Qi stagnation causes pain, discomfort, and disease. Almost all pain in the body is due to Qi stagnation in the channels. Just as an accident on the highway slows traffic, Qi stagnation in the channels creates disharmony in the body leading to pain.
Restless leg syndrome is discomfort associated with Qi stagnation in the channels of the legs. Acupuncture restores proper Qi flow. When it does, the sensations of RLS are relieved.
Restoring Proper Organ Function
If we had perfect health, our internal organs would function perfectly. But unfortunately, our declining health is directly related to problems with our organ function as we age. The Raleigh Acupuncture restless leg syndrome treatment identifies your specific internal imbalances by looking at signs and symptoms. Our assessment includes your leg discomfort and your sleep patterns, digestion, and emotional state.
This information allows us to create a treatment plan to correct your unique internal imbalances. By restoring inner balance, we treat your RLS from the inside out. In conjunction with opening the channels, it provides deep, long-lasting relief.
What To Expect
When you come for treatment, we conduct an intake exam. You will then receive your first treatment. Patients always get a complete acupuncture treatment on their first visit. All needles are sterile, single-use, and hair-thin. The treatments themselves are relaxing – many of our patients fall asleep during their sessions.
Recent RLS Case
A 57-year-old woman came to our clinic complaining of restless leg syndrome in her lower legs that worsened when she lay down in bed at night. The only thing that brought her relief was to walk around until the agitation settled. She was taking Trazadone, but it was not helping.
Her intake exam revealed a pattern imbalance of Kidney Yin Deficiency with Empty Heat – her tongue was red (as opposed to pink, and her pulse was thin. In addition, she had night sweats, frequently woke during the night, had a dry mouth, and felt irritable most of the time. Our treatment focused on opening the blocked channels in her lower legs and nourishing her Kidney Yin.
After four treatments (once a week), she could feel a 20 percent improvement in her RLS. Furthermore, she no longer had night sweats and was sleeping better. So we dropped treatments to once every two weeks, and she continued acupuncture for another eight sessions, at which point her RLS was 60 percent improved – much less leg pain and significantly improved sleep quality.
Next Steps
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Video – Raleigh Acupuncture Restless Leg Syndrome Treatment.
Learn about all the conditions we treat.
Acupuncture Research and Case Studies
RLS Acupuncture Research Study.
What our Clients are Saying
Mark Molinoff customized a treatment for my Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS) that has proven to be effective in substantially reducing the severity and scope of my RLS symptoms. Mark is the 3rd acupuncturist that has treated me, but the first to get positive results. Highly recommend!
Thank you Raleigh Acupuncture! My restless leg syndrome is gone. I can sleep at night and my legs don’t ache. I am so grateful to you. I will send all my friends to you!!
I’ve lived with RLS for the past 20 years. When a buddy of mine got relief from acupuncture I gave it a try. Raleigh Acupuncture Associates eased my symptoms 90%. It’s a shadow of what it used to be. I recommend this acupuncture practice if you’ve got restless leg syndrome.