I recently ran across the following passage on the internet and was deeply moved by its power and simplicity. Its message is that man without God is nothing. When God wanted to create fish, he spoke to the sea; when he wanted to create trees, he spoke… [READ MORE]

The Rapture and the Tribulation debate centers around whether Christians will endure the Tribulation before being raptured or be spared from it altogether. This difference in belief comes from varying interpretations of biblical passages related to the… [READ MORE]

From the return of the Jewish exiles to Israel around 500 BCE through the Roman Empire’s rule in 500 CE, Jewish life evolved dramatically in response to both internal developments and external pressures. This period witnessed the rebuilding of the Seco… [READ MORE]

Finding an exercise activity that you enjoy and can consistently do every week is one of the most important steps you can take for your health and well-being. From a Chinese medicine perspective, consistent enjoyable exercise is critical for maintainin… [READ MORE]

The other day, Jinmei and I were pondering the duality of good and evil compared to the Chinese philosophical concept of opposites, which is known as yin and Yang. Is the Judeo-Christian notion of good understandable on its own, or does it need to be v… [READ MORE]

What will life on Earth be like when Jesus is ruling the Millennial Kingdom for 1000 years? Will we still live in countries, have local economies, trade with other countries, and need to earn money? The answer to these questions relies on the interpret… [READ MORE]

When I was younger, I spent years struggling to discover my purpose in life. In hindsight, this challenge was exacerbated because I was attempting to tackle this issue on my own. Now, I understand that we are not meant to figure out our life’s purpose… [READ MORE]

Tai Chi, an ancient Chinese practice, is gaining popularity worldwide for its numerous health benefits. Originally developed as a form of martial arts, Tai Chi is now primarily practiced for its health-boosting properties. The slow, deliberate movement… [READ MORE]

Peter serves as a powerful role model for men who serve as elders in the church. He also serves as a role model for men seeking to be good husbands and fathers. Peter models humility, leadership, perseverance, and deep transformation through his relati… [READ MORE]

The 350 acupuncture points utilized in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) are central to the practice of acupuncture. These points, known as “acupoints,” are specific locations on the body that have been used for thousands of years to treat a wide rang… [READ MORE]