The Raleigh Acupuncture rheumatoid arthritis treatment (RA) reduces flares and inflammation from the joints. In addition, acupuncture eases RA symptoms with no adverse side effects.
Raleigh Acupuncture Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment
This video discusses our rheumatoid arthritis treatment.
Acupuncture Quiets the Immune Response
Acupuncture effectively treats RA and other autoimmune conditions because it quiets the body’s autoimmune response. Autoimmune disorders turn the body against itself. For example, RA is an autoimmune response that attacks the joints.
Acupuncture reduces RA pain by diminishing this attack. It works at the organ level to train the body to stop attacking itself. This process reduces inflammation and pain in the joints. The acupuncture points, located primarily on the arms and legs, send messages to the organs, inducing the body to quiet the autoimmune response.
Joint pain also comes from Qi stagnation. Qi is a form of energy that flows through the body. When Qi gets blocked, we feel pain. RA causes the Qi to stagnate in the joints, resulting in pain. Acupuncture gets the Qi moving again. And when it does, pain is reduced.
The Raleigh Acupuncture rheumatoid arthritis treatment treats RA at two levels – teaching the body to stop attacking itself and moving the Qi through the joints. This dynamic approach is one of the reasons acupuncture is such an effective medicine.
Acupuncture is Safe
All needles are sterile, single-use, and hair-thin. And treatments are relaxing – many of our patients fall asleep during their sessions. Afterward, you will feel refreshed and rejuvenated.
Recent Reumatoid Arthritis Case
A 46-year-old woman came to our clinic complaining of joint pain that moved from one place to another. One day her wrists would hurt; the next day, it was her knees or ankles.
Acupuncture focused on circulating her Qi and blood, as well as reducing inflammation and calming an overactive immune response. Acupoints included LI11, LI4, ST36, LV3, LV8, CV12, CV6, and auricular Pt Zero (calms the Vagus nerve). Our patient started feeling better after the first treatment, and following her fourth session (once a week), she reported 40 percent less pain.
After that, we dropped her acupuncture to every other week and incorporated the following acupoints: BL13, BL15, BL17, BL20, BL23, BL25, and BL40. These points are located on the back and strongly influence the spinal nerves and the body’s organs. By her eighth session, she reported 80 percent less pain. At this point, we dropped her acupuncture to monthly maintenance, where she sustained these improvements ongoing.
Acupuncture Relieves Rheuatoid Arthritis
If you struggle with rheumatoid arthritis, try the Raleigh Acupuncture rheumatoid arthritis treatment. You’ve got nothing to lose and a whole lot to gain. We have helped hundreds of RA patients by easing their flares and reducing their pain.
BOOK NOW to schedule an appointment online.
Video – Raleigh Acupuncture Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment.
Learn about all the conditions we treat.
RA Acupuncture Research Study.
Focus Keyphrase: Raleigh Acupuncture Rheumatoid Arthritis
What our Clients are Saying
I’m an RA veteran, having been diagnosed over 20 years ago. So I know all about the treatments and what they can do. Somehow I had overlooked acupuncture. Maybe it was a bias against “alternative” medicine. In any case, my aunt pressured me into trying her acupuncturist. She goes for asthma treatments, but said that the acupuncture treatment for auto-immune disease was similar. My research was inconclusive, but I decided to give it a try. I knew it couldn’t make my condition worse.
To my surprise the acupuncture has substantially reduce my daily pain levels. My flares are less frequent and intense, and pain does not move as quickly from place to place. The doc at Raleigh Acupuncture said there was indeed a connection between RA and other auto-immune diseases in the way Chinese medicine approached treatment. They said that the acupuncture slows the auto-immune response. I can actually feel that happening inside my body.
So I’m taking less medications, having less pain, and am able to be more active. Acupuncture is now an important component of my wellness plan for RA. I’m very grateful to Raleigh Acupuncture for their continued help.
I am newly diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis (six months ago). My pain was traveling from my hips to feet, with something hurting pretty much all the time. My doctor suggested I try acupuncture as part of my therapy. He had referred other patients to Raleigh Acupuncture and they reported success. I’m feeling much more optimistic since going there. Before the acupuncture, my pain was really bad. Since I’ve started acupuncture, my pain has decreased by half at least. The acupuncture doctor really understands what I’m going through.
The doctor at Raleigh Acupuncture was brilliant at reducing my pain from RA. My wrists and ankles were so bad I could not walk. After a series of treatments the pain is 90% better and I’m living my life like normal. If you’ve got RA, you MUST try acupuncture. I shared my story with my RA support group. They were all queasy about the idea of acupuncture. I told them they were crazy not to make an appointment with my acupuncture doctor. The treatment doesn’t even hurt. I wish I knew about this 5 years ago when I was first diagnosed!!