The Raleigh Acupuncture calf pain and cramping treatment works best to resolve persistent pain and cramping of the calf. Watch the video below and read about how acupuncture resolves calf pain.
Calf Pain Video
Watch this video to learn about our treatment.
How It Works
Pain comes from blocked channels. Six channels run down each leg, one of which travels through the calf. It’s called the Bladder channel. Applying acupuncture points along this channel gets Qi moving again, removes the blockage, and relieves pain.
A second method for reducing calf cramps is to needle specific points on the body that control tightness in general. These “muscle loosening” acupuncture points encourage the body to ease muscles, tendons, and ligaments, addressing the cramping issue at the root level.
Acupuncture also promotes blood circulation. Pain and cramping both improve with better circulation. It is common for the legs and calves to have poor blood circulation – blood does not flow as well in the extremities. Acupuncture points like SP10 and BL17 promote strong blood circulation in the body, reducing the incidence of calf muscle tightness.
Raleigh Acupuncture Calf Pain Treatment
Patients often come in with calf pain accompanied by other symptoms like hamstring tightness, Achilles tendonitis, or plantar fasciitis. In these cases, we treat all of the issues together. The body works synergistically, and so does acupuncture.
What To Expect
Needles are sterile, single-use, and hair-thin. And treatments are relaxing. Many of our patients fall asleep during their sessions. You will wake up feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.
Next Steps
If you struggle with calf pain or cramping, come in and try the Raleigh Acupuncture calf pain treatment.
BOOK NOW to schedule an appointment online.
Learn about all the conditions we treat.
Click on the following links to watch videos about related treatments for LEG PAIN, ACHILLES TENDINITIS and SCIATICA.
What our Clients are Saying
I’m a semi-professional weight lifter. I never had a problem until my hip went out doing squats. The pain was tremendous, like a sharp nerve pain down the back of my leg into the calf. It had sidelined me for two months while I tried unsuccessfully to work out the pain. Then a buddy suggested acupuncture. He had a similar hip pain and got relief at Raleigh Acupuncture. I went there and got treated. They told me to stop stretching until the injury was healed. I followed their instructions and got half a dozen treatments. The pain started easing after the first few treatments. I continued for another 6 treatments and was totally cured. I was able to get back to lifting with no residual effects of the injury. I’ve recommended this practice to a number of friends since that time and they all have had good experiences.
I have neuropathy that is a burning, tingling pain down my legs and into my feet. The doctor said there was nothing I could do besides pain medicine, since I am diabetic. The meds didn’t help much and made me feel groggy all the time. I tried acupuncture, after seeing a segment on Dr. Oz. I found Raleigh Acupuncture online and liked their website. They had alot of useful information. The treatments were interesting. They used electric acupuncture on my legs and feet that felt like a tingling massage. They said it would take a few treatments to start kicking in, and they were right. The burning pain slowly started to recede, and the tingling went away. I was truly amazed to feel such a difference in my legs and feet. I know so many people with neuropathy, and they are afraid to try acupuncture. I think they are crazy not to try it. What a difference not to be in constant pain anymore. I don’t need medication for my legs.
My doctor told me I had sciatica, but the only place I felt pain was on the side of my calf. It was terrible nerve pain that screamed all day and all night. I couldn’t exercise and it affected my sleep. I had to take pain killers every night just to fall asleep. I tried massage and physical therapy, but it didn’t help. So I tried acupuncture. They agreed with my doctor that it was sciatica. They treated my hip as well as my leg. And sure enough, the pain started easing after just one treatment. After 5 treatments it was gone. I don’t understand how treating the hip helped my leg pain, but it did. Thank you Raleigh Acupuncture!