The Raleigh Acupuncture foot pain treatment works best to resolve all types of foot pain. For example, do the bottoms of your feet hurt? That’s called plantar fasciitis. Does heel or toe pain keep you from playing sports? Do you have burning sensations in your feet? That’s neuropathy. Maybe you get foot cramps at night. Acupuncture treats these conditions safely, naturally, with no adverse side effects.
Raleigh Acupuncture Foot Pain Treatment
Watch video on how we treat foot pain.
Acupuncture for Plantar Fasciitis
Let’s start with pain on the bottom of the feet. It is often in the heels but can also be in the arches. We see this with runners and folks who stand on hard surfaces all day long. Firefighters, hairdressers, police officers are all susceptible to this condition. Acupuncture can resolve this pain in three to six treatments.
We recently treated a 62-year-old man with plantar fasciitis. He was an avid pickleball player, which had triggered intense heel pain. After four treatments, spaced one week apart, his foot pain was sixty percent resolved. It only took four additional sessions, and his plantar fasciitis was gone.
Acupuncture for Sore Toes
During hiking season, we treat many patients with sore toes. Poor circulation in the extremities causes pain. In addition, toes and fingers often have impaired circulation. Acupuncture gets qi and blood flowing properly again, resolving pain. It also helps with cold fingers and toes!
Many years ago, we had a patient who came to the clinic complaining of big toe pain. She and her boyfriend set a goal to climb all 53 “Fourteeners” (mountains above 14,000 feet) in Colorado. She was worried the pain would stop her from achieving her goal. However, all it took was three acupuncture treatments to resolve her toe pain and get her back on track with her hiking ambitions.
Acupuncture for Neuropathy
Burning sensation in the feet and legs is called neuropathy. Neuropathy is most common in people with diabetes, but it can also affect others. For example, many cancer survivors have neuropathy as an adverse side effect of their chemotherapy. Acupuncture resolves neuropathy quite well. It opens the channels and heals damaged nerves.
We recently treated a patient undergoing chemotherapy who had started to develop peripheral neuropathy. However, timely acupuncture treatment in conjunction with her infusions alleviated her neuropathy and allowed her to complete all six chemo treatments without changing medications.
Foot Pain Acupuncture Solution
For all kinds of foot pain, try acupuncture. It provides fast, cost effective, long term relief with no side effects. We also resolve LEG PAIN, NERVE PAIN and KNEE PAIN.
What To Expect
All needles are sterile, single-use, and hair-thin. The treatments are relaxing – many of our patients fall asleep on the table during their sessions. Afterward, you will wake feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.
Next Steps
BOOK NOW to schedule an appointment online.
Watch Video About Our Plantar Fasciitis Treatment.
Learn about all the conditions we treat.
Research and Case Studies
Foot Pain Acupuncture Research Study.
Foot Pain Acupuncture Case Study.
Key phrase: Raleigh Acupuncture Foot Pain Treatment
What our Clients are Saying
I was referred to Raleigh Acupuncture a few months ago because I was having a problem with a bone spur affecting my Achilles. The bone spur caused tremendous pain in my ankle and heel. Physical therapy ordered by a doctor really did not help. My doctor said that if the physical therapy did not help he could do surgery, but it would be very painful and would have an 8-9 month recovery period. Raleigh Acupuncture was my last hope. After a few treatments it was less painful when I walked. As I continued the treatments the pain totally went away. Now surgery is not even necessary. They have also helped me with my migraine headaches and restless leg issues. Acupuncture has made a huge difference in the quality of my life.
For the past 13 years I suffered from peripheral neuropathy in my calf, ankle and foot. I tried numerous medications, therapy with lights, neuromuscular massages and back decompression. I felt like I had stones under the ball of my foot. After the first couple of sessions with Dr. Mark, feelings returned to my calf, ankle and the “stone like feeling” under the ball of my foot began subsiding. Thanks to Dr. Mark, I am able now to walk without pain and discomfort. The extraordinary care and attentiveness I am receiving from Raleigh Acupuncture in treating my neuropathy is remarkable and I recommend them without reserve!
My husband Arthur and I have used Mark and Jinmei bi-weekly for at least 4 years, for a variety of treatments, including general well-being. Both of us felt our ailments healed with the treatment. I had a sprained hip flexor which a sports doctor told me would take 6 weeks to heal… it was gone after 2 visits! Mark and Jinmei are very professional and learned, and we have every confidence in them. Even though we pay out of pocket, we obviously feel that the acupuncture is worth it. We both highly recommend Raleigh Acupuncture. You won’t regret it!
Last month when I was working out at the gym I injured my hip. It was diagnosed as sciatica. Two cortisone shots later the pain was still there, so I came to Raleigh Acupuncture. I was skeptical that it would work because the pain was so bad. But sure enough, they got rid of the pain. And it never came back. These guys are good. I highly recommend them.
I LOVE this place! I LOVE these people. Caring and professional, great at what they do. Living with foot pain for SO LONG now, and it was cleared up after just a couple of sessions. Very reasonable on the price, too. Did I mention I LOVE this place!!
My husband is a runner and came to Raleigh Acupuncture with a bad case of plantar fasciitis. He runs about 25 miles a week and does half marathons. In 3 treatments he was pain-free. And they told him he didn’t even have to stop running while they were treating him. It’s been six months and the pain has not returned.