The Raleigh Acupuncture leg pain treatment resolves leg pain fast, naturally, and with long-lasting results. We treat many types of leg pain, each with a high level of success.
Raleigh Acupuncture Leg Pain Treatment
Watch this video to learn more about our leg pain treatment.
Acupuncture Relieves Leg Pain
Neuropathy is numbness and burning pain in the lower leg, ankle and foot. It is fairly common with patients who have diabetes but can occur with anyone. It is also a common side effect of chemotherapy. This condition responds very well to the Raleigh Acupuncture leg pain treatment.
Sciatica is sharp nerve pain travelling down the leg. Sciatica has three main pathways down the leg – the front of the leg, the side of the leg, and the back of the leg. Sometimes patients feel pain in the calf or foot. The source of sciatic pain is the low back or hip, but the pain often occurs down the leg. The condition responds extremely well to the Raleigh Acupuncture leg pain treatment.
Arthritis pain in the hip, knee or ankle. Arthritis (osteoarthritis) is the naturally occurring aging of joints. We can not avoid aging joints, especially if we have been active in sports. But we can do something about the pain. Acupuncture works very well to reduce and stop arthritis pain in the joints. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) tends to move from joint to joint. We treat RA more systemically, with equally good results.
Powerful Relief for Leg Pain
Bursitis is pain from inflammation of the bursa. Bursas function like shock absorbers in the body. A common bursa pain is located in the upper leg on the lateral side, just beneath the bony bump called the Greater Trochanter. Acupuncture helps reduce inflammation of the bursa, similar to how it reduces inflammation in tendons, like tennis and golf elbow. Results are quick and effective.
Acute traumatic injury to the leg is a common source of leg pain. This type of pain can come from broken bones, sprained joints, injured tendons, and ligaments. Acupuncture speeds the healing process of traumatic injury, reduces inflammation and swelling, and reduces pain.
Restless Leg Syndrome is an intense restless, agitated feeling in the legs that occurs most often at night. It is usually painful and makes sleep almost impossible. Patients feel the need to move their legs constantly to seek a more comfortable position, to no avail. The Raleigh Acupuncture leg pain treatment eases this condition and reduces the painful, agitated feeling in the legs.
What To Expect
All needles are sterile, single-use, and hair-thin – treatments reopen blocked channels in the legs, relieving pain. In addition, treatments are relaxing – many of our patients fall asleep during their sessions. Afterward, you will feel rested and rejuvenated – with less leg pain!
Next Steps
BOOK NOW to schedule an appointment online.
Watch a video about the Raleigh Acupuncture leg pain treatment.
Learn about all the conditions we treat.
Research and Case Studies
Neuropathy Acupuncture Research Study.
Sciatica Acupuncture Research Study.
Osteoarthritis of the Knee Acupuncture Research.
Neuropathy Acupuncture Case Study.
Sciatica Acupuncture Case Study.
Knee Pain Acupuncture Case Study.
What our Clients are Saying
I’m a semi-professional weight lifter. I never had a problem until my hip went out doing squats. The pain was tremendous, like a sharp nerve pain down the back of my leg into the calf. It had sidelined me for two months while I tried unsuccessfully to work out the pain. Then a buddy suggested acupuncture. He had a similar hip pain and got relief at Raleigh Acupuncture. I went there and got treated. They told me to stop stretching until the injury was healed. I followed their instructions and got half a dozen treatments. The pain started easing after the first few treatments. I continued for another 6 treatments and was totally cured. I was able to get back to lifting with no residual effects of the injury. I’ve recommended this practice to a number of friends since that time and they all have had good experiences.
I have neuropathy that is a burning, tingling pain down my legs and into my feet. The doctor said there was nothing I could do besides pain medicine, since I am diabetic. The meds didn’t help much and made me feel groggy all the time. I tried acupuncture, after seeing a segment on Dr. Oz. I found Raleigh Acupuncture online and liked their website. They had alot of useful information. The treatments were interesting. They used electric acupuncture on my legs and feet that felt like a tingling massage. They said it would take a few treatments to start kicking in, and they were right. The burning pain slowly started to recede, and the tingling went away. I was truly amazed to feel such a difference in my legs and feet. I know so many people with neuropathy, and they are afraid to try acupuncture. I think they are crazy not to try it. What a difference not to be in constant pain anymore. I don’t need medication for my legs.
My doctor told me I had sciatica, but the only place I felt pain was on the side of my calf. It was terrible nerve pain that screamed all day and all night. I couldn’t exercise and it affected my sleep. I had to take pain killers every night just to fall asleep. I tried massage and physical therapy, but it didn’t help. So I tried acupuncture. They agreed with my doctor that it was sciatica. They treated my hip as well as my leg. And sure enough, the pain started easing after just one treatment. After 5 treatments it was gone. I don’t understand how treating the hip helped my leg pain, but it did. Thank you Raleigh Acupuncture!