Jaw pain and TMJ respond well to acupuncture. We can typically reduce chronic jaw pain within 3 to 6 treatments. The Raleigh Acupuncture jaw pain treatment is natural, safe, and provides long-lasting relief.
Raleigh Acupuncture Jaw Pain Treatment
Watch this video to learn more about our treatment for jaw pain.
Jaw Pain
Whether traumatic injury, joint degeneration, or dental issues triggered your jaw pain, acupuncture can help. When you come for treatment, we conduct an intake exam to determine the root cause of your jaw pain. Next, we create a treatment plan to relieve your pain.
TMJ and jaw pain respond well to acupuncture. Patients with chronic pain due to TMJ get significant relief from acupuncture. Joint pain in general improves with acupuncture. TMJ is no exception. Acupuncture improves joint function, resulting in less pain.
Acupuncture Relieves TMJ
Chinese medicine describes a network of channels that traverse the body. Pain results when these channels are blocked, and joints are the most common place for a blockage to occur. The tempomandibular joint (TMJ) is no exception.
Acupuncture opens blocked channels – that’s a primary benefit of treatment. It’s one reason we have so much success easing arthritis pain in the joints. In the case of TMJ, we select specific acupoints to open the blockage in channels passing through the jaw. The result is a significant reduction in joint pain.
Unlike pain medications, the pain relief benefits of acupuncture are long-lasting. That’s because we address the root issue of problems.
What To Expect
All needles are sterile, single-use, and hair-thin. The treatments are relaxing – many of our patients fall asleep during their sessions. Acupuncture gently heals your body as you rest. Afterward, you will feel refreshed and rejuvenated.
Recent Jaw Pain Case
A 38-year-old woman came to our clinic complaining of severe jaw pain. An $800 mouth guard helped a little, but she still had daily pain in her jaw. Her intake exam revealed that she had a high-pressure sales executive job and traveled all over the country. In addition, she was a mother of two young children, having to juggle work, travel, marriage, and motherhood. All of that stress lodged in her jaw and drove her to distraction.
Our acupuncture treatment focused on two issues. First, we opened blocked channels in and around our patient’s face and jaw to relieve pain. Next, we selected acupoints to reduce stress. There are excellent points on the body that strengthen your body’s ability to regulate and manage stress. The result is feeling more calm more of the time.
After the first treatment, our patient was pleased to report a 25 percent decrease in jaw pain. At the same time, her sleep improved, and stress levels reduced. After her fourth session, her jaw pain was 60 percent better. It took just eight treatments to resolve her jaw pain and dramatically reduce her stress levels. Her job and responsibilities were unchanged, but her ability to manage them vastly improved.
Next Steps
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Watch Video About the Raleigh Acupuncture Jaw Pain Treatment.
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Acupuncture Research and Case Studies
Jaw Pain Acupuncture Research Study.
Jaw Pain Acupuncture Case Study.
Focus Keyphrase: Raleigh Acupuncture Jaw Pain
What our Clients are Saying
My jaw was broken 20 years ago and never healed right. I had constant pain all the time. Finally tried acupuncture for a lark. Ended up getting rid of 90% of the pain. Couldn’t believe it. I highly recommend Raleigh Acupuncture Associates.
My sister recommended Raleigh Acupuncture for my TMJ, after no luck with other types of treatment. I was surprised and pleased to see that acupuncture helped. My jaw pain is gone after 6 treatments. No pain at all. I recommend this practice to anyone with TMJ.