The Raleigh Acupuncture reverse aging treatment is a safe, natural method for increasing vitality, boosting energy, and staying younger.
Raleigh Acupuncture Reverse Aging Treatment
Watch video to learn about reverse aging with acupuncture.
The Facts
As we age, we get more health issues. 90% of these issues can be managed with acupuncture. Things like poor sleep, bowel irregularity, headaches and body pain, and depression all will improve with regular acupuncture treatment. The happier and more active you are, the healthier you feel. Here’s how it works.
Kidneys and Reverse Aging
In Chinese medicine, the kidneys oversee the aging process. Kidneys rule the growth cycles, reproduction, and aging. For example, women going through menopause typically have dramatic hormone changes. The kidneys, according to Chinese medicine, control these changes. So when a woman is suffering from hot flashes and night sweats, we can treat the kidneys, and their symptoms get better.
Likewise, treating the kidneys can reverse cases of low libido and declined sexual function. Having vital kidneys will slow the aging process. People with solid kidney function look younger than their peers, think more clearly, and have more robust sexual function. The Raleigh Acupuncture reverse aging treatment boosts kidney function naturally and safely.
Digestion and Reverse Aging
The stomach and spleen are also critical to keep strong as we age. Together these organs are responsible for converting food to energy. Low energy most often results from stomach and spleen weakness. Acupuncture strengthens the digestive system so it can metabolize food properly. Strong digestion results in more vibrancy and natural weight loss.
Organ Health and Vitality
Acupuncture helps every organ in your body, slowing the aging process. Western medicine is not good at recognizing the signs and symptoms of organ weakness until it is severe – they do better once the organ has completely failed. Don’t wait for that. Instead, use acupuncture to deal with issues when they are minor and more easily corrected. Strengthen your organs before the disease appears. This understanding is key to increasing longevity and vitality.
Recent Vitality Case
A 72-year-old man came to our clinic complaining of fatigue, lack of motivation, and a racing heart. He had been healthy all of his life, but six months earlier had been in a severe car accident. While he did not suffer any broken bones, the incident shook him up and made him feel his age for the first time in his life.
The trauma associated with the accident had shocked his kidneys and spleen, sapping his energy, motivation, and mood. After three sessions, once a week, he felt 20 percent better – his energy was slightly improved, as was his motivation levels. He felt sixty percent restored after his sixth treatment, and his heart was not racing with exertion. Pleased with this progress, he continued to come in for treatment once a month, and three months later felt wholly restored.
Next Steps
If you would like to experience increased vitality, come in and try the Raleigh Acupuncture reverse aging treatment.
BOOK NOW to schedule an appointment online.
Watch Video About Our Vitality Treatment.
Learn about all the conditions we treat.
Case Study
Increased Vitality Acupuncture Case Study.
Focus Keyphrase: raleigh acupuncture reverse aging
What our Clients are Saying
I’m 88 years old and still ride my bike around Raleigh, take exercise classes, and swim. I’ve done acupuncture for years. I believe it helps me stay young. Raleigh Acupuncture is a good practice. They’re well trained and work hard at what they do. I’ve tried to get my bridge friends to try it, but they’re all chicken. Their loss.
Great practice! I get a tune-up every month and keeps me feeling younger (I’m 75). Wish Medicare covered, but it’s still worth it.
I’m 62 and have always been active. I ran marathons until two years ago, when I just didn’t have the stamina any longer. I know they say you have to adjust as you get older, but I was not ready to do that. So I tried acupuncture to see if it would help in this area. Not only did I increase energy, but my stamina increased and I felt stronger. I trained for and ran another marathon and felt like I did ten years ago. My time wasn’t faster, but my body handled the stress of the race much better. I recommend this practice for athletes as they get older.