Acupuncture can reduce your daily chronic pain levels. This article will help you understand how the Raleigh Acupuncture Chronic Pain treatment works.
Raleigh Acupuncture Chronic Pain Treatment
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Qi, Blood and Meridians
“Qi” is a concept Chinese medicine uses to describe the energy that flows through our bodies, nourishing organs, circulating the blood, and keeping us healthy. Pain results when Qi becomes stagnant. For example, migraines indicate stuck Qi in the head and neck, back pain involves Qi stagnation in the low back, and sciatica is stuck Qi in the hip and leg. Pain from Qi stagnation has a dull, achy quality and is mild to moderate in nature.
“Channels” (a.k.a. meridians) are the pathways through which the Qi travels. There are fourteen primary meridians in the body, running from the toes to the head. Qi stagnation occurs when energy gets blocked in the channels, just as a traffic accident blocks the flow of cars on the highway.
More severe pain reflects Blood stagnation, where both the Qi and Blood are not circulating. Blood stagnation occurs after severe trauma to the body and is accompanied by more intense, sharp, stabbing pain. Together, Qi and Blood stagnation account for most chronic pain in the body.
Acupuncture Circulates Qi and Blood
Acupuncture improves both Qi and Blood circulation to alleviate pain. For example, migraine pain in the base of the skull to the temples reflects Qi and Blood stagnation in the Gall Bladder channel of the head. Acupuncture unblocks the meridian, enabling Qi and Blood to circulate again, alleviating pain.
Acupuncture Heals At Multiple Levels
In addition to treating pain on the surface, acupuncture addresses the root cause of chronic pain. Channels often get blocked due to internal imbalances at the organ level. For example, chronic low back pain reflects a weakness of the Kidneys (not your actual Kidneys, rather your “Chinese” Kidneys). Furthermore, chronic coughing points to a deficiency of the Lungs. In addition, chronic stomach pain (IBS) is rooted in weak Stomach function.
The Raleigh Acupuncture Chronic Pain treatment addresses the root and branch, the source and symptom. This healing approach enables us to achieve long-lasting results.
What To Expect
Needles are sterile, single-use, and hair-thin. You hardly feel them. And treatments are relaxing – many patients fall asleep during their session.
When you come for your first appointment, we conduct an intake exam, determine your Chinese medicine pattern diagnosis, and create a treatment plan. You also receive an acupuncture treatment on your first visit.
Experience the Process of Healing
From the first treatment, channels start to reopen, imbalances begin to be corrected, and pain decreases. You will experience this progression back to health as it is occurring.
Different pain conditions take varying amounts of time to resolve. For example, a more recent pain (2 months) will resolve faster than the one you’ve had for 20 years. But the fantastic thing is that the Raleigh Acupuncture chronic pain treatment CAN resolve pains that have been with you that long.
Neck Pain Testimonial
“I’m a dentist, and over the last 20 years, the nature of my work and positions required by my work had resulted in chronic neck pain. It affected my sleep, limited my ability to exercise, and was just a real pain in the neck! A friend at church recommended Raleigh Acupuncture, and I gave it a try. I have to say that I was a bit skeptical but came because I had tried many other therapies with no success. I’m glad I did. They resolved my neck pain completely!” -Brent W.
Next Steps
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Chronic Pain Acupuncture Resources
Chronic Pain Acupuncture Research Study.
First Chronic Pain Acupuncture Case Study.
Second Chronic Pain Acupuncture Case Study.
What our Clients are Saying
I’m a golfer and started having trouble with my left shoulder over a year ago. My doctor wanted to do surgery, but I wanted to try other alternatives first. So I tried acupuncture. The folks at Raleigh Acupuncture were very professional, reasonably priced and did excellent work. They resolved my shoulder pain completely. I use them now for other pains in my post-50 body! Thank you Raleigh Acupuncture.
I’m a dentist and over the last 20 years the nature of my work and positions required by my work had resulted in chronic neck pain. It affected my sleep, limited my ability to exercise, and was just a real pain in the neck! A friend at church recommended Raleigh Acupuncture and I gave it a try. I have to say that I was a bit skeptical, but gave it a try because I had tried a number other therapies with no success. I’m glad I did. They resolved my neck pain completely!
All of my joints were hurting. I’ve got fibromyalgia and it effects me by making my joints hurt. The pain would move around from place to place, first the hip, the next day the shoulder, then the knee, etc. The practitioner at Raleigh Acupuncture explained that the best way to treat my kind of moving joint pain was to treat me holistically. Instead of treating the hip one day, the shoulder the next, they treated the root of the pain. They said this type of treatment would also improve my mood and my sleep. Right on all counts. I started feeling better after the second treatment. It’s like all of the joints just settled down and stopped giving me trouble. I had less flares and the intensity of the pain went way down. My sleep is better, not just because I have less pain. I’m more relaxed and less stressed. I’ve made this treatment a regular part of my life. I’m very grateful.
I suffered from low back pain for years and tried many different remedies. When I came to Raleigh Acupuncture, they really listened to understand my issues. I can honestly say that they cured my chronic back pain. I didn’t think it was possible, after all these years. I highly recommend this practice. The doctors take the time and do good work.