The Raleigh Acupuncture pregnancy conditions treatment tackles everything from morning sickness to sciatica, nausea to fatigue. Treatments are safe, natural, and provide long-lasting relief.
Raleigh Acupuncture Pregnancy Conditions Treatment
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Acupuncture Eases Pregnancy Issues
Pregnancy is a joyful time, but it can also cause discomfort. Luckily, acupuncture provides a safe way to resolve issues, including morning sickness, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, sciatica, carpal tunnel syndrome, and low back pain. Often, these conditions can linger for weeks and months. The Raleigh Acupuncture pregnancy conditions treatment restores normal function, relieving pain and discomfort in the process.
Acupuncture Relieves Nausea
Each condition requires a specific treatment plan. For example, NAUSEA is resolved by strengthening the stomach. When a woman gets pregnant, nausea kicks in around week 6. Chinese medicine explains this in the following way. Stomach energy naturally descends. When you eat, food is processed in the stomach and then descends to the intestines.
As the fetus develops in early pregnancy, the stomach gets confused. There is something below that was not there before. The stomach’s reaction is to “rebel” upwards. We call it Rebellious Stomach Qi, and the symptoms are nausea and vomiting. Acupuncture harmonizes the stomach, allowing it to return to its naturally descending nature.
Acupuncture Relieves Sciatica
SCIATICA is another common condition women experience during pregnancy. It is triggered when the piriformis muscle presses against the sciatic nerve, causing nerve pain to shoot through the hip and down the leg. The Raleigh Acupuncture pregnancy conditions treatment safely and naturally releases pressure on the nerve, relieving pain.
Fatigue Eased with Acupuncture
Women often experience FATIGUE during pregnancy. In some cases, a nap is sufficient. But for many women, a nap is not enough. Acupuncture safely boosts energy by strengthening the Spleen function in the body. In Chinese medicine, the Spleen takes the food we eat and turns it into energy. Pregnancy can tax the Spleen, leading to exhaustion. Acupuncture restores normal Spleen function, improving energy.
Back Pain and Pregnancy
Pregnant women often deal with back pain – in their upper, middle, or lower back. Acupuncture quickly resolves back pain by releasing tight muscles and improving blood circulation. Typically we can resolve back pain in one or two treatments – pregnant women respond quickly to acupuncture because they have abundant Qi and blood circulating in their bodies. The Raleigh Acupuncture pregnancy conditions treatment taps into these resources and directs them to heal.
Recent Pregnancy Sciatica Case
A 6-month pregnant woman came to our clinic complaining of severe nerve pain traveling from her hip down her leg. She was suffering from piriformis syndrome, where the piriformis muscle spasms and impinges the sciatic nerve. We treated her with acupuncture to release the muscle spasm, which resolved her pain entirely in just two sessions.
Acupuncture during pregnancy is safe when performed by a nationally board-certified acupuncturist. Conditions like sciatica respond well to acupuncture and typically resolve quickly, with long-lasting results.
What To Expect
All needles are sterile, single-use, and hair-thin. Treatments are relaxing – many of our patients fall asleep during their sessions. Afterward, you will feel refreshed and rejuvenated.
Next Steps
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What our Clients are Saying
Single best thing for morning sickness!! I’ve had four kids and used acupuncture every time. This practice is the best! They don’t drag out treatments. They get you better fast.
My first pregnancy went so easy. So I was surprised when I got so nauseous with my second one. Every smell made me sick and I didn’t want to eat anything. My mom found Raleigh Acupuncture. The practitioner told me it generally took 3 to 6 treatments to stop the nausea. She was right. After 6 treatments I wasn’t nauseous anymore and could eat again without trouble. I’m very pleased and would recommend them to any pregnant woman suffering from nausea.
When I was pregnant 6 weeks I got terrible nausea and vomiting. I could not hold anything down. I started losing weight after two weeks and my doctor put me on medications. But I was still vomiting every day and felt awful. I found Raleigh Acupuncture and they treated me three times. It totally stopped the nausea and vomiting. I stopped my medications, and the rest of my pregnancy had no problems. They said this was an easy thing to treat. I wish I had known about it from the beginning of my pregnancy.
I’m a semi-professional weight lifter. I never had a problem until my hip went out doing squats. The pain was tremendous, like a sharp nerve pain down the back of my leg into the calf. It had sidelined me for two months while I tried unsuccessfully to work out the pain. Then a buddy suggested acupuncture. He had a similar hip pain and got relief at Raleigh Acupuncture. I went there and got treated. They told me to stop stretching until the injury was healed. I followed their instructions and got half a dozen treatments. The pain started easing after the first few treatments. I continued for another 6 treatments and was totally cured. I was able to get back to lifting with no residual effects of the injury. I’ve recommended this practice to a number of friends since that time and they all have had good experiences.
Ever since my hip replacement I had terrible hip pain that radiated down my leg into my foot. They were talking about redoing the hip, which I didn’t want to do, so I tried acupuncture. The doctors at Raleigh Acupuncture were wonderful. They gave me lots of time and told me what they were doing. They got rid of 90% of my pain. I can live with that!
I’ve been suffering from sciatic pain for years, since I was in a car accident. I tried everything and nothing helped. I couldn’t walk right and had a bad limp. My son made me go to Raleigh Acupuncture (I am afraid of needles!). They told me they would treat me 4 times to see how I responded. Well, I responded great. I had to get 6 treatments to get rid of the pain. Now I walk fine (no limp) and feel all better. Great place!