Acupuncture is effective for resolving pain in and around the Achilles tendon, ankle, and heel. Treatments are safe, natural, and deliver long-lasting results. If you suffer from Achilles pain, come in and try the Raleigh Acupuncture Achilles Tendinitis treatment. You will be pleased with the results.
Raleigh Acupuncture Achilles Tendinitis Treatment
Watch this video to learn more about our treatment.
Do you suffer from Achilles tendinitis? It is common with runners, basketball, and tennis players. The Achilles tendon is located behind the ankle. When inflamed it causes a stabbing pain in the back of the ankle. It’s debilitating, leaving you unable to walk around or play sports. The Raleigh Acupuncture Achilles tendinitis treatment reduces this inflammation and resolves pain in the ankle.
My Doctor Said I Need Surgery
You may not. Try the Raleigh Acupuncture Achilles tendinitis treatment first. You may find yourself amazed at how quickly you recover. We have been treating this condition for years with great success. Acupuncture is well suited to reverse the effects of inflammation in all parts of the body. Tendinitis means inflammation of a tendon. Common tendons that get inflamed beside the Achilles include the elbow (tennis elbow, golf elbow), the wrist and the shoulder. Acupuncture helps in all of these areas.
How It Works
When we use acupuncture in areas affected by inflammation, the treatments increase blood circulation to the tendon. The increased blood supply bathes the tendon and drains the inflammation, which is essentially just heat. This healing process comes quickly, with long-lasting effect. Sometimes it only takes a single treatment to resolve inflammation of a tendon. However, most times it takes between three and six treatments to fully heal.
The acupuncture treatment for Achilles tendinitis works especially well. Not only does the treatment increase blood circulation, it also increases Qi circulation. Qi is a form of energy that runs through the body. Good Qi circulation is essential for all healing. By increasing Qi circulation along with blood circulation, the Achilles tendon heals faster and deeper. If your pain travels down your ankle into your heel, you may have a condition called plantar fasciitis. Acupuncture can resolve that too.
Next Steps
Book Now to schedule an appointment online.
The treatments use sterile, single-use needles that are hair-thin and painless. Treatments are relaxing too. Many of our patients fall asleep on the table during their Raleigh Acupuncture Achilles tendinitis treatment!
Learn About All The Conditions We Treat.
Achilles Tendinitis Case Study #1.
Achilles Tendinitis Case Study #2.
Achilles Tendinopathy Acupuncture Research.
What our Clients are Saying
I had terrible Achilles tendinitis for six months from playing too much tennis. The surgeon was pressing for surgery to “clean up” the tendon, but I just didn’t want to go there. I was referred to Raleigh Acupuncture by my sister, who went there for hip pain. She had great results so I tried. Thank goodness I did. They had my Achilles back to normal in less than a dozen treatments. I’m playing tennis again with absolutely no pain! I highly recommend them for Achilles issues.
I’m a runner and had been dealing with Achilles tendinitis for over a year. The doctor said I would have to have surgery eventually so I was just dealing with the pain and biding my time. Then a friend suggested acupuncture and recommended Raleigh Acupuncture as specializing in Achilles issues. I made and appointment and was impressed from the very beginning. Their evaluation was very thorough and they explained everything that acupuncture could do.
The treatments were comfortable, and more importantly, they eased my pain significantly. After six treatments I was running without any Achilles pain! I’ve totally put the idea of surgery out of my mind since I’m running without pain again. Anyone who has Achilles issues should speak with Raleigh Acupuncture. They can definitely help you.