Do you suffer from abdominal pain? It may be triggered by food, stress, or medications. The Raleigh Acupuncture abdominal pain treatment addresses the root cause of your pain. It provides a safe, natural treatment that delivers long-lasting relief. Read more to find out how our treatment works.
Raleigh Acupuncture Abdominal Pain Treatment
To learn more about our treatment watch this video.
How It Works
When you come in for acupuncture, the first thing we do is conduct an intake exam. We’ll ask about your symptoms. What type of pain do you have, when does it occur, how exactly does it feel. Your answers will help us understand the cause of your pain. Abdominal pain is triggered by many things. To resolve your pain we need to recognize the source.
For example, some abdominal pains are caused by deficiency while others are caused by excess conditions. In Chinese medicine “deficiency” is a state of weakness that requires strengthening or boosting up. “Excess” is the opposite. It requires quieting or calming down an inflamed situation.
A deficiency cause of abdominal pain is chronic weakness in the digestive tract, what we call Spleen Qi Deficiency. We treat this by strengthening your “Spleen”. In Chinese medicine, this means your metabolism. Specific points accomplish this. When strengthened, the abdominal pain goes away.
An excess cause of abdominal pain is stress overacting on the abdomen, which we call Liver Overacting. We treat this by boosting your Liver, allowing Qi (energy) to flow smoothly even when you are under stress. While a rigid tree will snap during a storm, a flexible one will bend as needed and survive. Acupuncture points boosting Liver function serve to make you more flexible to handle stress better. Once this is achieved, the abdominal pain will resolve.
These are just two examples of how to treat different root causes of abdominal pain. When you come in, we will determine YOUR root cause and treat you accordingly.
What To Expect
The treatments themselves are very relaxing. We use sterile, single-use needles that are hair-thin. You will hardly feel them. Many of our patients fall asleep during their treatments. Afterward, you will feel peaceful and rejuvenated. While you rest, the points are correcting the internal imbalances responsible for your abdominal pain.
Next Steps
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To learn about other digestive issues we treat click DIGESTIVE ISSUES WE TREAT.
For a list of all the conditions we treat with acupuncture click ALL CONDITIONS WE TREAT.
What our Clients are Saying
I developed severe abdominal pain following the stomach flu. Three rounds of antibiotics did not help. Neither did an elimination diet. Raleigh Acupuncture got rid of the pain in six treatments! Acupuncture is amazing. And so are they.
I have always had a nervous stomach. Some people get headaches, I get stomach aches. It’s always worse with stress and eases up on the weekends when I can relax. I did not think of getting treatment until I stumbled on an article saying how acupuncture was excellent for treating stomach pain. I went to Raleigh Acupuncture and described my condition. They explained why my stomach hurt. It totally made sense to me. It’s all about internal balance. So they went to work on me to get my stomach balanced. And I’m pleased to say that it worked. I no longer have a nervous stomach and stomach pain, even in stressful situations. I’ve made some changes to my diet, based on their recommendations, and took chinese herbs for a while, but don’t need to take them now. I’m convinced that I would have lived with stomach pain for the rest of my life had it not been for acupuncture.